35 of the Funniest ‘Life Is Fake’ Realizations People Had

‘Chocolate milk doesn’t come from brown cows’
35 of the Funniest ‘Life Is Fake’ Realizations People Had

There are plenty of things that seem to defy basic logic and challenge our deductive reasoning to a baffling degree. Finding out that not all of the Village People were gay, for example, feels like the curtain being pulled back to reveal that everything we believe to be true is a total lie. 

Along those lines, Redditors have mourned the most underwhelming reveals that made them feel like their lives were fake, and honestly, chocolate milk should come from brown cows.

beesandflowersandcat 7y ago Trojan bareskin condoms are not made of BEAR skin. I could not figure out how using bear skins would be legal. I had heard the commercial and did not actually watch the commercial. 81 ...
notarandomaccoun 7y ago That a trailer is called a trailer because it trails behind a truck. 91 ...
 12y ago When I watched music videos on MTV I was shocked to find out everyone is lip- syncing. I thought they were really playing the song again on camera. 19 ...
RubyKane 7y ago It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that Every kiss begins with Kay- Kiss begins with K. I am an idiot. 406 ...
Michealxfoo 12y ago Baby carrots.. If you don't know, i'm sorry they're really just real carrots cut up into smaller little bites 53 ...
derpettasaurusrex 12y ago When I was a wee lass, my family went to a restaurant. We ordered our food and waited. I was bored after a good while. I had heard legends of a magical room called a restroom. I imagined it was a room full of couches and beds, where one could rest before getting a meal. After I begged, my mom brought me to the restroom. I was severely upset to find out that it was just a room full of a bunch of toilets. 53 ...
ZeeroAkari 12y ago Found out 4 years ago that Shamu at sea world has been replaced at least 4 times. I was 21 and in so much disbelief. 25 ...
ichliebekohlmeisen 7y ago The little piggy that went to market was not going shopping for yummy groceries. 1.3K ...
 7y ago The Beatles is spelled that way because of the beat in music.... 166 ...
stickman842 12y ago When I realised that Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Toothmouse (not a fairy in my culture) don't exist. Then my mom said something very telling, But Jesus is real. 108 ...
oniony 12y ago For me it was when I found out that the large dinosaurs skeletons in London's Natural History Museum are made of plaster of paris. I still think most people think that complete dinosaurs in museums around the world are actually made of fossilized dinosaur bones 88 ...
IshotAbeLincoln 12y ago When I learned that Full House was not a real family I just wanted my life to end. Jesse and Becky aren't married in real life? I can never trust TV again. 62 ...
jimmi24 12y ago That Bart Simpson's voice is done by a woman 213 ...
 12y ago That chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows:( 206 ...
meatgazer . 12y ago Pickles were once cucumbers. 639 ...
Hanzimaundrell 12y ago . Edited 12y ago The Daleks have human operators on tricycles. I thought they were kick ass, giant remote controlled toys...
schrute_buck 12y ago I saw an article a few years back about a religious group in Florida trying to run BangBus out of their town. The article mentioned that they were a professional company, using professional talent who had been screened/tested, and got permits to film and did so in out of the way places with window tint that protected them from public view. So there was nothing the law could do. I was 24 at the time, and on some level I already knew all of this, but finally seeing it spelled out in undeniable truth, devastated me. 492
patch35 12y ago . Edited 12y ago When I recently found out that House Hunters is fake.
 12y ago The princesses I met in Disney World were NOT real princesses. And Ninja Turtles are not a real thing. 370 ...
kenfused11 12y ago That most actors don't do their own stunts... 665 ...
drweezyfbaby 12y ago When I realized that stand up comedians have routines. I always thought they were just really funny people who got up on stage and made up jokes. 349 ...
sisforsue 12y ago I watched a behind the scenes thing of a movie when i was about 12... i was just in shock, i counldn't believe these people were not jumping off buildings and using real guns and that massive scar is make up! 237 ...
mejma . 10y ago That at every point in history, back to the dawn of humanity, an ancestor of yours was alive. 1.9K ...
netsuo e 12y ago As a kid, I thought that the more you work, the more you are paid. Turns out it's not completely true. 1.9K ...
modest_mckenzie 12y ago That the Hibachi grill in town wasn't special and unique, but rather a type of restaurant, found in most areas of America. 335 ...
bi_xx_biblioph... 12y ago . Edited 12y ago That most wildlife shows are set up and fake. I love watching nature documentaries and this ruined it for me for awhile.
Draptor 12y ago When I was 7 I finally learned that professional sports teams can recruit from outside their own city. Every sport lost a lot of charm after that. What was the point of rooting for any particular team when they could just get the best guys from around the world? That could be the reason I barely care about manly things like football, aside from watching the local game with friends by chance. 1K ...
Obieousmaximus 12y ago I ordered sea monkeys and they didn't look like the picture in the back of the magazine. I was expecting little smiling creatures that played together and sang happy songs. Instead I got cloudy water that smelled like sewage and fish sticks. Damn you sea monkey marketing department! 206 ...
I_Am_Reaper 12y ago When I learned teachers didn't live at school 312 ...
worzrgk . 12y ago Stonehenge. I always assumed that Stonehenge had survived from prehistory in it's current configuration. It was actually restored in 1901.
rockstaticx 12y ago I thought literally everyone found magical, true love when I was growing up. Eventually I realized that lots of people were just making a go at it as best they could, with some people finding true love, some people trying to convince themselves, and some people in downright awful situations. It just made me depressed. 936 ...
JT_Francis . 12y ago Not all of the village people were gay 1.7K ...
 12y ago I used to think that when you grow up you get an adult name. Like, that at a certain age all the Ashleys and Katies of the world became Suzans and Helens and such. I was super excited to get my adult name and kept thinking that I'd want to become Rick. Then I grew up. 1.4K ...
Bad_Fruit 12y ago I'm dating myself here, but as a little kid- --probably age 4--- I used to watch Combat with my brothers. Every week, a bunch of guys got killed in some major WW2 battle. I would think it was weird that they would kill people just to make a show. Then one time, I cried really hard because my favorite guy got killed. That's when my brothers laughed at me and said that it was all fake. That shocked me more than thinking that they were really killing people. 1.4K ...
snushiroll 7y ago Pancakes are called pancakes because they are cakes made in a pan. 187 ...


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