25 of the Wildest Events People Have Slept Through

‘A tornado. I woke up and my neighbor’s roof was gone’
25 of the Wildest Events People Have Slept Through

While it’s not ideal to sleep through an entire concert or snore your way through your house being robbed, it’s hard not to envy the people who are able to experience such levels of peaceful slumber. Some of us will spend our whole lives trying to chase ZZZs like that. 

Redditors have rubbed their eyes and stumbled forward to reveal more of the wildest things they’ve ever slept through, and not even something as Earth-shattering as a natural disaster can wake most of them.

lauralei99 4y ago When I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, I woke up at midnight to the popping sound of my water breaking. I got up and went to the bathroom and confirmed that my water had in fact broken. Got a towel and went back to bed. Woke up at 5:30 in the morning with some big contractions and figured I better get to the hospital. Went to the hospital dilated to 9 and baby was born 20 minutes later. So labor. I slept through my labor and transition. Highly recommended. 2.7K ...
HoopOnPoop 4y ago Not me, but a friend. Не fell took a nap in his seat at a rock concert. Не first dozed off while Him was playing and slept all the way through Taking Back Sunday. Не was stone cold sober, just tired apparently. 540 ...
whatsamajig 4y ago Visiting an aunt when I was younger. I was taking a quick nap on her couch. While I was asleep a power line went down across her front yard. Literally 30 ft outside the window I was sleeping next to. Multiple fire trucks. Fire men coming through the house to make sure everything was ok inside. Sirens alarms fire hoses, the works. I woke up after everything was over. Confused why the carpet was dirty and the yard burnt up. 1.4K ...
OakNogg 4y ago I have slept through our fire alarm numerous times and a tree falling into our house. 2.1K ...
DeepFriedTeenagers E 4y ago A 6.8 mag. Earthquake while I was living near the bay area where it hit... Everyone else woke up because of the heavy rumbling but I staying asleep, meanwhile I would wake up to someone walking in the hallway in the morning with my door shut... 794 ...
just_an_owl 11y ago Not me, but a friend of mine slept through a plane dropped about 200 feet. The drop, the screaming, and the death grip on his arm from the lady next to him didn't stir him. Nope, he didn't wake until the little ding from the seat belt signs turning on during landing. 544 ...
the_Boshman 4y ago Someone opening my front door, walking in, taking all my shit and leaving without a hitch. It really sucked, but at least he took my school bag as well so I had a great excuse to not have my homework done the next day. 329 ...
PM_Me_UrRightNipple 4y ago I once slept through a tornado that happened about mile from my hotel. My girlfriend woke me up at about 2am saying how scared she was of the storm and that the power went out and she was worried. I told her while half awake to leave me alone I'll deal with it in the morning and that it's just thunder I don't know why you are freaking out she was fuming at me when I woke up the next morning and found out that a tornado destroyed a high school not to far away. 663 ...
Harley_Atom 4y ago I once slept through the process of my grandmother calling 911 for my grandfather, the ambulance coming to our house with sirens blaring, the process of getting him loaded into the ambulance and leaving. I woke up the next morning like Where did gramps go? I didn't even know why he had to be taken to the hospital. I think it was a broken hip. 252 ...
 5y ago A tornado. I woke up and my neighbor's roof was gone 5.3K ...
_TaylorSwift 11y ago Went to sleep on the top bunk of a triple bunk bed, woke up on the floor. My brother said he heard a really loud thud that night but he didn't think anything of it. 436 ...
Owllette 11y ago On a cruise to Hawaii, an underwater volcano erupted and I slept through it. My mom didn't wake me up to see the lava. I'm still kinda pissed about it... 342 ...
CinematicHeart 5y ago A house blowing up and then the bull dozers taking the rest down. This happened in the 80s in Philly, so it was row homes. A guy took himself hostage? Не was threatening to blow himself up. Не had the gas on and was holding a lighter. I guess they didnt think he would go thru with it because a kid in the house nextdoor was burried in the rubble. Не was found alive a day or two later. They deemed him the miracle baby. 578 ...
HoogaChakka D 11y ago Slept through the SWAT team banging against my door. They couldn't get in so they called my cell phone and told me to open the fucking door. Turns out they thought there was gunshots fired at my house when it was really my neighbor who is a drunk dumbass. 450 ...
captainbiz . 5y ago Lightning hit a massive tree next to my house, which fell through my house and into my room, my dad had to come and wake me up 199 ...
dabXP . 5y ago We were camping and a bear apparently broke the zipper off our tent in the middle of the night. 66 ...
Bayonethics . 5y ago I was asleep when a hurricane passed through the area. When I woke up, everything was flooded. Kind of crazy 93 ...
InjeborgValick 5y ago As an adult a mouse fart three-quarters of a mile away could wake me up, but apparently when I was a child I slept through an entire monster truck show at an indoor stadium. 154 ...
BigManLongPants 5y ago Car crashed into the light pole at like 3am outside my house, which then fell onto my dads car which set off the car alarm, and the crash must of broke the horn cuz it kept going, then the cop and fire fighters came all with the sirens blasting. And i found out all about this when i woke up at like 8 and my mom told me, 7 year old me was so mad that i didn't get to see the car crash hahaha 88 ...
Howlingharp 5y ago People broke into my neighbours house. Smashed through their big bay window and carried off a bunch of stuff while they were away. Woke up the next day to police bashing at my door wondering why I didn't report it. 412 ...
MilutinMilankovic 5y ago This is my time to shine! When I was 11 years old, I sleept during bombing of airport who was around 1km from my basment, where we as family sleept. My family was thinking that is my defence mehanism, but I still sleep this heavy (32 years old now) :) 30 ...
Freedom_Gamer_ . 5y ago My aunt was asleep in her house second story when a tornado passed by ripping small parts of her roof off. 31 ...
elhawko e 5y ago Three guys beating up my neighbour in my front yard. My wife had to wake me up They are stepping in my flowers! 8 ...
dibetta 11y ago One time my father passed out and hit his head against a drawer, splitting his skull open and almost bleeding to death. Не was 350+ pounds at the time so he hit the floor with a loud bang. My mother proceeded to call the police and there were over 10 policemen in my house and paramedics.... I slept through the whole thing and woke up next morning wondering where my entire family was 197 ...
kadooks 4y ago Boyfriend slept through thunder so loud it set off several car alarms in the parking garage right outside the window 452 ...


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