35 Wild Stories About Criminals Getting Caught

‘He lives across the street from the bank he robbed’
35 Wild Stories About Criminals Getting Caught

There’s a platitude that states, “Anything worth having is worth fighting for.” But this inspirational quote doesn’t apply if the car you just stole gets a flat tire. Cut your losses right then and there. Do not, under any circumstances, call OnStar for assistance. You will get caught and go to jail. 

On that note, Redditors have discussed the wildest ways they — or someone they know — got caught committing a crime. And while it seems obvious, I’ll say it anyway: If you’re going to rob a bank, don’t rob the one directly across the street from your house.

no goe just me the years babystarlette 2y ago Idk if this would count but in Arizona last year, two prisoners escaped and managed to get caught because these dumbasses had their masks pulled down when robbing a store... in the middle of a pandemic. There were several sightings of them so I'm sure they would've been caught anyways but if they had put their masks on correctly, that would've given them more time. 73 ...
Conscious-Chard-4310 2y ago I don't remember where it was but i read about a guy who broke into a house and had nothing better to do than posting a video of himself doing it on instagram, where of course people saw and reported this to the police. When the police came he tried to hide in a wardrobe which this moron also posted on instagram so they found him since they already knew his account. 18 ...
DamsterDamsel 5y ago Had to be this one guy who took pieces of nice cars out of the Detroit assembly line where he worked. Не took various parts home in his lunchbox: one day gears, next day fuel pump, then the nuts and bolts, and so on. Put them all together with the help of his buddies and an adapter kit. Didn't cost him a dime, and he has the only one there is around. Worked great, but when they wrote up the title it weighed sixty pounds. 57 ...
ScoutManDan 5y ago At an pensions company I worked at, there was an incident where splitting funds for a lump sum would often leave a few loose pennies. The person who had programmed that system had arranged for the loose pennies to go into a private holding account for himself rather than a company account. As it was only pennies, it was never noticed, when they'd accumulated several thousand pounds and he was caught for some unrelated issue and all his work was inspected. 79 ...
olderfartbob 5y ago Not a cop, but worked for a consumer electronics manufacturer decades ago. A team of very well organised thieves successfully robbed our warehouse one time, and probably would not have been caught, but ........ the gang leader gave one of the stolen items to his daughter. She filled out the warranty card with the serial number of the stolen item and sent it in. 10 ...
vt2nc 5y ago A friend of mine robbed a major truck stop and got $400,000. Mostly worthless checks but a butt load of cash. Lived the high life for a summer and turned himself in. Не buried about $50,000 in cash so when he got out he dug it up. Served his time and still had money. No clue where he is now. Probably in jail. 155 ...
dprtothebreakofdawn 5y ago I'm not a cop but I graduated with a dude that traveled around to different Walmart's around the country and bought computers cash. Не would take some parts out of the computer and then return it keeping those computer parts and then selling them. Не made over a million doing this and got caught now every Walmart that he hit has a separate charges against him and it's going to take a while for Walmart to build the case up. It's sad to see him go but he was pretty cool to hang out with but I
Bonesnapcall 5y ago Definitely this guy who ate the bank robbery note right off the hood of the police car when they were emptying his pockets. Although I'm fairly sure he was still convicted. 13K ...
JWW13 5y ago Edited 5y ago There was a guy with over 50 speeding charges, with the name Prawo Jazdy. Не was in a different car, with a different disguise every single time. Eventually, after the government set up a special task force to take down this guy, they realized that Prawo Jazdy means drivers license in Polish. Clarification: It was 50 different people, the police just wrote down their name as Prawo Jazdy every time someone with a Polish drivers license was caught speeding. 26K ...
Rachcake93 5y ago i'm not a cop but I worked crime scene. This guy had attached GPS to the bottom of peoples cars who owned houses, he wanted to rob. Не did it to ensure they wouldn't be showing up while he was ransacking the place 749 ...
LatinOso85 5mo ago In 2006 I was 20 years old and drunk off my ass on new years day. I went into a save mart and took two 24packs of Corona beer. I ran out and on the way out I knocked down an employee. When I got home, the police somehow were just driving by and got the call on the beer run and seen me with beer. I was arrested and charged with Armed robbery 2nd degree. I did 2 1/2 Years in San Quentin and Corcoran 3B yard in 2008-2010. Now I pay for my beer. 3
pinewind108 5y ago My favorite was the guy who stole a post office mailbox off the street, repainted it, and then put it next to the night deposit box at a bank. And hung an out-of-order sign on the deposit box. All the businesses came along and dropped off their deposits in the mailbox. 1.4K ...
 o 12y ago My friends from high school got arrested at target for stealing condoms in an attempts to resell them for a dollar each. They're pretty fucking stupid. The guy that busted them was an undercover security guard... The dude was a 40 year old man wearing a Nintendo hat and god of war t shirt. 1 ...
 12y ago Guy i knew robbed their local shop with his mates,wearing no masks and using each others names. They all got off and most of them vowed to clean up their acts. Not my friend tho he proceeded to beat up two american tourists and rob them. What an Idiot. Hes in jail now 1 ...
mellotronworker 12y ago A tiny one-horse town in Scotland about fifty miles from me has a single bank which was held up one day by a desperate sounding man in a stocking mask and a replica firearm. Не demanded that the teller fill the proffered bag with cash. Cool as you like, the teller asked 'Would you like twenties or fifties, Donald?' Eight years. 1 ...
Decyde 12y ago Funniest story my neighbor told me was a guy got a flat tire in a car he just stole and called the Onstar for assistance. They then noticed it wasn't the owner of the car and contacted the police to check it out while they told them that they had assistance coming. When my neighbor showed up, he asked him what the problem was and the guy took off running. Не made it about 2 blocks before being taken down hard and got additional charges. 2 ...
EyedolFister 12y ago Two friends and I were driving around one night breaking windows out of cars with a sling shot. A car ended up chasing us out of a neighborhood and we were eventually cornered by two cop cars and and the guys behind us. Turns out the car following was at a house of off-duty police officers having a Halloween party. The two officers that chased us down were in a Tigger and Snow White costume. I got handcuffed by Tigger. 67 ...
armandflo6 12y ago My friend in high school broke into a gas station to steal ciggaretes and random junk, he found keys in the ignition of a car left for repair, he stole the car. The next morning he returned the car for god knows what reason and got arrested. Long story short now he is in and out of prison because of parole violations. 8 ...
MyNameCouldntBeAsLon . 12y ago Inadvertently seeding a torrent. 27 ...
 6y ago Not me, but I knew a pretty nice guy who was trying to get his life restarted after a long jail stint (7-10 years, I think). Не was quite open about what happened: he was at a party with a lot of college students, and someone yelled out IT'S THE COPS!, so, knowing НЕ had nothing to worry about, he just stood there. According to him, though, all of the students jammed their drugs into his pockets as they filed out. 44 ...
SA_Swiss 6y ago Went to the local mall for a five-finger- discount day. Stole a few video games, a few candy bars, and finally pronographic magazines (all in different stores). When we were caught with the magazines, we asked if we could retrieve something from our bags, the mall cops then discovered all the other items without receipts and that lead to our arrest (they would have let us off as it was just a few magazines that they retrieved). 19 ...
battlefieldguy145 6y ago This didn't happen to me but it happened to one of my work buddies friends and I swear to got it's true. Back in the 90's the guy tried to rob a gas station and used a paper plate with eye holes to hide his face and had a airsoft pistol. Не got around $300 and he probably could have gotten away with it but when he was walking out he threw the paper plate on the ground. The cops found it and because it had his fingerprints on it and he got arrested a few years
biggins9227 e 6y ago Working in prison I met a guy who was in there for bank robbery. I asked him how he got caught, imagining a stand off like you see on TV. Nope, they used pictures from security cameras to id him. Bonus point, he told he it didn't matter if he had a mask, they found his fingerprints everywhere too, which were on file since he was a repeat felon. 79 ...
StarManta 12y ago When I was a cashier, I skimmed money by ringing up a customer for nothing but taking their money. I'd keep track of how much I took, remove it from the drawer at the end of the day, and my money count and the computer would line up. I got caught when I fucked up the math and took an extra $20 one day. 36 ...
Dremily 12y ago My friend was going through a stage a meeting and banging chicks online. Не was unemployed in college and had like no money. Не met this chick online and was going to meet her at a bar. Не got really high first and went to the drug store to buy condoms but realized he was poor so decided to steal them. Не also decided to steal a cockring. Got caught on the way out. Не says the worst part was not the humiliation of stealing a cockring in a family drugstore at 7pm and getting caught, it
snarkypeach95 . 5mo ago When I was 16 friends and I trespassed an abandoned psych ward. They all ran and got away, I like an idiot wore flip flops and as I was running got caught lol. 93 Reply ...
atuznik 0 12y ago I went to High School with two guys that got caught robbing a bank. On there way in, there was a little girl in a car, presumably waiting for her parent while he/she was doing business in the bank. They told her that her mommy/daddy wouldn't be back for awhile, and not to go looking for him/her in the bank because it would be dangerous. She used her dad's cell phone, and called 911. The police showed up almost immediately. 184 ...
 5mo ago In 1965 as a 13 year old juvenile for auto theft stealing a 1961 Chevrolet Impala. I ran out of gas. Got probation and community service, painted park benches and fire hydrants. 919 Reply ...
teamstepdad 12y ago . Edited 12y ago I work with young offenders. Some of their getting caught stories are ridiculous. One kid told me that he was arrested after he bought drugs for an undercover cop in his high school because he thought she was hot and obviously thought she was just another student. When I type it out though it kind of sounds terrible.
sunshinecat6669 2y ago Just a local small town case, but someone in my hometown robbed a bank and then went home right away after the robbery. Dude lives across the street from the bank he robbed, they could see him walk from the bank right into his house on the video surveillance lol 3 ...
It_Was_One_Time 12y ago I have been waiting for a thread to tell this story. At eighteen I dated a guy name Joe. Well Joe had seen this newer four wheeler that the owner had left out in the yard for a week or so. Не had the bright idea to steal the four wheeler. His plan was to chain up the four wheeler to his truck and pull it down the road until he felt it was safe to pull over and load the quad up. Well he arrived there around two am and chained the four wheeler up to
unicornsawreal 12y ago My friend robbed a liquor store many years ago. Не stole about $200. Не felt bad about it and returned to the store to apologize and give the money back. This is where he got arrested for armed robbery and spent the next five years in jail. 820 ...
Angry_Mothman 2y ago My mums uncle (great uncle?) got arrested for robbing a bank when he and his accomplices were overheard loudly discussing the heist in the pub afterwards. Big dumb dumbs 9 ...
 12y ago The drug dealer I robbed called the police. 240 ...
flyinbryan4295 2y ago Someone I know robbed two banks and used a white minivan with a purple gas cap as the getaway car. It didn't take police long to link them and track him down. 17 ...


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