31 Embarrassing Things People Saw Someone Else Do

‘I watched her pick and scab and eat it’
31 Embarrassing Things People Saw Someone Else Do

There are certain things we’re meant to bear witness to. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have seen them. But it can be harder to reconcile this fact when it’s clear you’re watching someone who isn’t aware that they’re being watched.

To be fair, these aren’t Peeping Tom situations — nearly all of the stories below are about people who were in public. Either way, there’s really no defending the guy who got out of his car, pulled down his pants and took a massive you-know-what in a parking lot. Sure, he thought he was alone, but like, dude? Why is that what you’re doing when you find yourself in total solitude?

Anyway, if you find yourself alone in public and consider doing something so heinous it would end up on Reddit, maybe… don’t.  

JIG1017 7y ago It was when I was around 12 so I guess ya can't judge another 12 year old too much, but we were at day camp and I look over and one of the kids in our group is in the corner just playing with his sack without a care in the world. 9.5K ...
BoriousGlastard 7y ago Whenever my shift is quiet, I take a couple minutes break and go practise doing handstands on the nice grass by our building. I'm awful and can hold it for about 2 seconds before I flip over and land hard on my arse. Last week the security guy offhandedly mentioned there's a CCTV camera that points almost exactly at that location. He's been watching me handstand for about 2 weeks 1.9K ...
robbbbb 7y ago I used to work in an office right next to a FedEx facility. Our windows were reflective, and faced the FedEx truck parking lot. Sometimes we'd see FedEx employees change into their uniforms behind the trucks, not realizing that the mirrored surface that was right next to them was actually an office with about ten people watching them. 340 ...
 7y ago I do freelance work at sports events. One time, between setup and the time the game started, I was standing at the top of a hill that leads up to the building. I looked around to make sure nobody was there, then I laid down and rolled down that fucker. It was super steep, and it was awesome. I got up, brushed myself off, and went back inside to work. Found out the next week that my boss had seen me, and had told everybody on the crew. Joy. 3.8K ...
Urdazzle 7y ago Every summer my friends and I go to a waterpark. As we are adults we often like to drink while we're at the waterpark. So one summer we were sitting in the bar area that the waterpark at set up enjoying overpriced beer, there was a woman sitting at a picnic table just below the balcony of the bar. She slides back so that her rear end is hanging over the bench and just pees right there on the AstroTurf while still chatting with her friends. She thought that no one had seen her and that she
NippyFlips . 7y ago was this odd guy in my school who'd spit onto his hands and wipe down his leg hair 6.4K ...
Nanochillin 7y ago At parties I would often dedicate myself a look in the mirror with a smile for a confidence boost, but this one time there was another guy doing the exact same thing, rising his eyebrow and smooching at himself. There was a silent agreement not to talk about it. I still wonder if he remembers. 3K ...
Ohoulihan25 7y ago ok so back when I was still living with mom she had one of her friends up for the week with her son. there wasnt enough room in the house for them to stay inside so they decided to camp out in the backyard. now I was working construction at the time and was up pretty early to get ready. the one morning while i was putting my lunch together i looked out the kitchen window to see my moms friend squating over a plastic bag taking a shit in it right there in the open. one
athena_m13 7y ago I was in college and it was a very rainy day. I was late to class and happened to see a guy with a pretty heavy looking backpack, looking like he was going to jump off a diving board. Не was rocking his arms, bending his knees enough to look like he was gonna sit down for a shit and everything. Instead of walking around it, he was trying to jump over a huge ass puddle. I watched him prep himself for a good 20 seconds..which was probably way too long to be staring at someone. Не
stoner_97 . 7y ago Edited 7y ago I watched a guy drop his cheeseburger on the ground and then put it all back together and ate it. The worst part? It was a free company buffet thing. Guy could've got another one.
thewhitedevil42 7y ago A former co-worker had bad acne all over his face and neck. While I was sitting in my forklift waiting for pallets to come up the line, I watched him pop a pimple on his neck and eat it. Fucking horrifying. 3.6K ...
 7y ago I use Duolingo to practice my Spanish while waiting for the bus each morning. When I'm alone, I like to say each question and answer aloud to practice my pronunciation as well. One day as I waited for the bus a group of people gathered behind me without me noticing. I had headphones on and practiced each sentence out loud as I worked through my days Spanish activities. When the bus finally came and I pulled off my headphones, I realized there were 6 or 7 strangers behind me, all had been awkwardly listening to me speak
mario2isamariogame 7y ago I used to deliver newspapers. One Sunday I got the papers extremely early, and delivered to a Sunday only customer at around 3 a.m. When it's this early, I always lift my paper up and smile so customers don't think I'm there to rob them. As I apporached this house, I noticed movement inside. Cue the smile and raised newspaper as I witnessed a shirtless, middle aged man with a large potbelly rubbing his belly. Vigorously. I approach, smile and paper in hand. Не notices me and runs out of the room. I'm thinking No dude. Don't.
NewiePirate 7y ago Edited 7y ago I used to work in a grocery store in the photolab (back when developing film was still a thing). The photo lab was on the second level with all glass walls so I could see out over the entire store. When it wasn't busy I would just sit there and watch the people in the aisle. You know all the things you do in an aisle when you're the only one there? I saw it. Pick your nose? Saw that. Pick your wedgie? Saw that too. Break out into dance? Yep.
fap_nap_fap 7y ago When I was about 14, my parents hosted a kid from another country for a couple weeks that was about my age. The first day he got there, I'm walking past his room (the door is about 75% open) and see him face down on the bed humping the shit out of a pillow. Не didn't notice me, but it was fucking weird 103 ...
currydoughnut e 7y ago I was out in a club once and saw a woman vomit into her half empty pint glass filling it to the brim. I was in a state of shock and thought to myself it was the single worst thing I'd ever seen with my own two eyes, until she decided to have a try of her new half beer half beer vomit pint. 517 ...
warpg8 7y ago A good buddy of mine was crashing on my couch for a couple of months while he got a job and got on his feet in our new city. I was out one night and he decided to have a bit of a fap... The problem was, he decided to do this using my computer, which was positioned in such a way that the main window of the apartment had a clear line of sight to the outside courtyard area of the complex. Не forgot about the window, and within minutes, several of our attractive female neighbors
 7y ago I saw some dude wearing earphones and dancing around in the alley way between some stores near me. No big deal, lots of people kind of dance around when they're listening to music. In his dancing euphoria, the guy starts undoing his belt, lifts up his shirt seductively, reaches his hands into his pants and starts scratching his balls. The look on his face indicated that he was hitting just the right spot. Dude rhythmically and stylishly buttons up his pants, does his belt, then dances off into the alley. Не had no idea I was watching
Bryguyver 7y ago This one is fairly innocent, but I work with one of my good friends, who happens to be a drummer. Не was in the back of the store stacking a pallet, listening to music, and had no idea I wad watching him through the warehouse racks. Не was air drumming his goddamn heart out, giving it his full blown Neil Peart meets Jason Bonham meets Tommy Lee. It was the performance of his life, minus the pyrotechnics. I recorded the whole thing. 229 ...
IntrudingAlligator 7y ago My husband leaves for work while I'm still asleep. One morning he said goodbye and headed out but I happened to peek outside and he was standing in the backyard with his shirt pulled up forward over his face. After a minute he pulled it back down, snuck out the side gate and drove off like usual. I've seen him doing this a few times and it baffles me. 20 ...
MisterWafle 7y ago I was in math class freshmen year and I look behind me and this really weird kid stands up in the middle of the lecture, lifts up his shirt, grab his nipple with his full hand and then sits back down all in the coarse of 7 seconds. No one seemed to notice and No one seemed to care. 123 ...
 . 7y ago A kid in one of my 8th grade classes would scratch his head over his desk, then make a pile of all of his dandruff. 1 ...
whats_my_username16 7y ago One very hot summer day in the south, I saw a man in a bank lift up his shirt and rub hand sanitizer all over his arm pits. I'm pretty sure hand sanitizer is not the same as deodorant or cologne. 2 ...
dubsteponmycat . 7y ago Eat a bunch of wild raspberries off a bush by my gym parking lot. I've seen at least 2 homeless dudes piss on those bushes. 3 ...
 7y ago Saw an old guy open the door to his car, pulled down his pants, and pissed and shit in the parking lot, all in the span of 30 seconds or so. I was just in my car waiting for someone while witnessing this. Some people are just, wtf. 2 ...
ETOVE117 7y ago In high school, this one dude who sat in the back of the classroom was head- banging to the rhythm of One by Metallica. We're best friends now. 10 ...
 7y ago I saw a girl remove her ear tunnel and then take a couple of really deep sniffs of it. You could see her eyes roll she was enjoying it so much. 11 ...
tatt4361 0 7y ago I was behind a woman in traffic and watched her blow her nose into her hand and stare at it for a few seconds before wiping it on her driver side mirror. I assume she must have been sick because of the amount of snot. It was awful. 3 ...
Booner999 0 7y ago My brother playing DDR to some Christmas song. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP!! 6 ...
-brownsherlock- e 7y ago I was in a training session at work and one of the boss ladies was in a skirt. I watched her pick a scab and eat it. I was horrified. I nearly gagged. 10 ...
alter_ego77 7y ago I once saw a girl holding an ice cream cone in one hand, and her phone in the other lick the screen of her phone. When we made eye contact and she realized I'd seen it happen, she looked like she was going to die. 37K ...


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