25 of the Worst Wedding Gifts People Have Received

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25 of the Worst Wedding Gifts People Have Received

Despite the tried-and-true custom of selecting gifts directly from a wedding registry, there are always going to be people who go rogue. But from the looks of things, those people should be banned from gift-giving of any kind — weddings or otherwise. For instance: One newlywed mentioned receiving a comforter set for a waterbed addressed to them and Doug. They had no clue who Doug was, nor did they own a waterbed. So not only did they get a worthless gift, but they were totally baffled about it, too. 

Other Redditors have lamented the worst gifts they’ve ever gotten on their big days, and this much is certain: We’re all doing way too much regifting. 

toru92 1y ago Shared this on a similar post a few days ago. Someone got me one of those blankets with a couple in a car saying just married that you can customize the name and date. The only problem, it was a white blonde lady and a white blonde male. I'm a black woman with black curly hair and my husband, while white, has brown hair... it was baffling to me that it didn't cross my friends mind that I'm black and not to buy a blanket with a white lady on it? 273 Reply ...
babybronco99 1y ago I gained a decent amount of weight the month leading up to my wedding because of meds that I needed to prevent chronic hives (thanks prednisone) and a coworker gifted me a scale 251 Reply ...
pinkflamingo410 . 1y ago 1970s bacon toaster, new in the box. 25 Reply ...
troixetoiles 1y ago A didgeridoo. A professional quality one, too. Not a painted touristy one. My husband and I got married while we were living in Australia for my job. My bosses chipped in to get it for us. One of them is really socially out of touch and apparently wanted to buy is a model airplane, like WWI style, but luckily a со- worker talked him down to the didgeridoo. 128 Reply ...
GlitterDancer_ 1y ago We received 2 personalized cutting boards despite having a registry with zero cutting boards on it. One of which had my spouse's name spelled wrong 48 Reply ...
nopanicatthisdisco 1y ago We didn't have a registry with the hopes that we'd get cash which everyone abided by except one of my friends who went to a sex store and got us a whip, sex candles, a nightgown, and a diffuser. 135 Reply ...
Birdie807 1y ago A comforter and sheet set for a waterbed. With a card addressed to Doug and Birdie807. We did not own a waterbed. My husband's name was not Doug. 239 Reply ...
AnldioticVitchLikYou 4y ago We got five griddles. 13 Reply ...
addywoot . 1y ago Giant concrete feet with our names on them. Handmade. With some inlaid colored tile. 138 Reply ...
kappaklassy 1y ago My uncle got me a giant lamp in the shape of a fish. Не is very nice but kind of an odd dude and definitely would be offended if we didn't use it. So we keep it in the guest room closet and put it out when he visits. It is truly hideous haha. 94 Reply ...
Buhberry 4y ago Left over hostess gifts and representative exclusive items from my mom's friend's days as a Longenberger sales rep. Gotta love those pyramid schemes! I mean MLMs? Gifts consisted of a casserole dish with a lid & salt and pepper shakers (that neither salt, nor pepper will shake out of!) 35 Reply ...
dinkeydonuts 4y ago Homemade candles in baby food jars labeled: Baby making. We're openly childfree. Immediately trashed, but they still got a gracious thank you note. 236 Reply ...
stephelan . 4y ago I got Star Wars themed Christmas lights. Not a Star Wars fan. 105 Reply ...
HoroEile 4y ago Used handheld food mixer. No problem with the fact it wasn't new, but the crusted-on remnants of previous cookery attempts were pretty revolting. I did my best to scrub it up but eventually we just wrote a thank you note and then slung it. 145 Reply ...
TNTmom4 4y ago Regifted UGLY Chinese patterned relish bowls from bridesmaid wedding. The card was still in it from her wedding. That's all. That's after she STRONGLY suggested we were all suppose to buy her something over $100 at her very $$(for me) wedding. 70 Reply ...
LakiPingvin 4y ago It's a custom to give cash gifts in my country, in an envelope with a card. One of envelopes we got had our names on it, but no card or cash inside. It wasn't completely empty though, and it really baffled us, there was a safety pin in it lol. No idea who it was from. 101 Reply ...
makeupmiley 1y ago My moms friend who was not invited marked a bunch of nice stainless steel utensils as purchased on my registry. | was pissed when cheap plastic utensils showed up 107 Reply ...
sewsnap 1y ago A $10 check, that bounced and caused a $35 fee. I didn't have any issue with the low number on the check. But I would have preferred nothing over losing an extra $35. It wasn't even the only check that bounced. 25 Reply ...
gotyourhayneson . 1y ago A book on how to be a dutiful, prayerful wife from my aunt and uncle. 71 Reply ...
bethivy103 4y ago For my bridal shower, my ex-husband's aunt gave me a picture frame that was regifted. It still had the card to her from another person in the frame box. My ex got rather upset about that, so he talked to his aunt and gave her the frame back. For our wedding, she gave us the same frame, with the original card still in there. 221 Reply ...
turtlesrkool 1y ago My cousin fancies himself a woodworker. Не made us an extremely heavy and quite large...coat rack I think? It was very messily engraved as well. Another family member also gifted us a single set of towels that were not on our registry...we had no linens on our registry at all and now we have just one of each size of towel in a color that doesn't match any of our other towels. 44 Reply ...
TNTmom4 1y ago My bridesmaid regifted a VERY ugly serving set that still had a card in it from HER $$ wedding. Now SHE the one who demanded $$ gifts and expressed how much she hated regifts. For her SECOND wedding a few years later I regifted it back to her with the my card taped to the previous card. 683 Reply ...
mountlane 1y ago When my parents got married in the '80's, my mom's SIL got them a serving set shaped as pineapples. A pineapple platter, pineapple big bowl, six pineapple small bowls. Extremely not to either of my parents' tastes. My mom put the whole set away under the sink. When I moved out, she remembered the set existed and gave it to me. I only use it because I don't have any other serving set when we have people over. 47 Reply ...
BooksAndStarsLover . 1y ago I got a counseling coupon in a card from some family members for my first wedding. :/ 50 Reply ...
foreverfoiled 1y ago My stepsister gave us a gift card to a boutique single-location hotel in New Jersey - a place thousands of miles from where we live and where we will never go... but ironically, a place close to where she lives. Gotta love a regift. 107 Reply ...


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