25 Celebrities People Regret Meeting

Surprising no one, Chevy Chase is on the list
25 Celebrities People Regret Meeting

Celebrities should be forced to live on another planet far away from the rest of us. That way, no one is subjected to Mark Wahlberg’s insecurity about his height or Steven Seagal’s whole deal. 

Redditors went down the list of celebrities they’ve had the displeasure of meeting, and as it turns out, Chevy Chase is the absolute worst on and off the set. Can’t say we’re surprised!

footypjs 6y ago Tom Cruise. Не came through the Holocaust Museum in DC right before some promotional stint for a movie in 2009. On his phone the entire time, including in the Hall of Remembrance, talking about his weekend plans and holding up people who were actually interested in being there. Irreverent turd. 578 Share ...
workplacetracy 6y ago Quentin Tarantino made a scene at a diner in New York when the waitress dropped off his bill because he didn't have his wallet on him. Не asked if she knew who he was, and whether she knew that he did not in fact pay to eat there because he was Quentin Fucking Tarantino and New York is HIS CITY. Another diner finally paid his bill because he liked Tarantino's movies and wanted to finish his breakfast in peace; that was my clearest example of how ubiquitous famous people are in NYC and how nobody's impressed who
 3y ago Mike Tyson. Не ignored a bunch of school children asking for an autograph. Then 10 seconds later turned around and started talking to and signing autographs for a hot girl who big boobs who walked up. It was kind of hilarious tbh 32 Reply ...
LilFourEyes 3y ago 100% Rod Stewart. I worked at a high-end furniture store with a restaurant a while back. Anyways, his wife Penny called and was told that the restaurant didn't take reservations (they don't) and when he arrived he made the biggest deal about it. Не even told my coworker who answered that phone that with a face like yours, you shouldn't even be in customer service (she is a WOC). When he came downstairs after dinner, he demanded to know if she was going to be fired. It was absolutely disgusting. 108 Reply ...
eatmyshit . 6y ago I haven't met many but Lenny Kravitz stayed at the hotel I worked at. Не had the hotel sign an agreement that the staff were not to look at him or talk to him.
ElectricPinkMango 3y ago Michael Buble. Such an asshole. Tried to cut to the front of the line during Christmas rush (if you've ever worked retail during Christmas, you'd understand how terrible this is). I worked at a popular bath product store, and holidays were always insane. The line this day was almost out the door.
fivetenfiftyfold . 3y ago Edward Norton smashed me against a wall when I was a kid. I still hate him for that 20 years later. 161 Reply ...
succcotash 3y ago Hand to god it was Alan Rickman. I've interacted with a ton of famous figures and both him and his wife were notorious at my business for being incredibly unpleasant and rude. This is also something I don't like to publicize because the Harry Potter stans will not hear it. 321 Reply ...
Cassandra_Canmore 3y ago Anyone in north Texas knows about Micheal Irvin. Не litteraly can not walk into a place of business, without informing everyone else he's Micheal Irvin retired football star. 3 times at Bed Bath and Beyond he's done this. Ive personally witnessed he walks in and shouts Hi everyone I'm Micheal Irvin! How about them Cowboys 1.6K ...
Credulous_Cromite . 3y ago Jane Fonda. She cut in line at the cafeteria like nobody existed but her. Lame.
DudelmRoache 3y ago Ray Romano!! Met him at a carnival like 12 years ago and he was a complete dickhead. I asked someone who was within proximity if it was indeed Ray Romano, and he hears me ask then turns around and says oh hey look it's ray Romano with a sarcastic tone and my father said you don't have to be rude and his reply was your kid doesn't have to talk to fucking strangers either, good job dad and he walked off just babbling bullshit to himself. Kinda shitty since I spent some years watching his damn show.
DefrockedWizard1 3y ago Pete Rose Little kids wanted his autograph and he was charging them $5 each in the early to mid 70's 3.8K ...
vinzor5000 3y ago I met Will Ferrell at a movie premier for a holiday movie, after the movie premier there was a meet and greet, and the actors were lingering on the main floor. I introduced myself just to tell him what's up and that I enjoyed the movie. Не looked at me with a side glance, and stated get away from me. I was 12 years old at the time. 9.9K ...
clanggedin 3y ago Reggie Jackson. Не was a childhood idol of mine. I got the opportunity to get a photo with him at some booth at a trade show called Internet World years ago during the dot com boom. No one was in line to get pictures with him so I walked up to get a photo while he was apparently trying to get the girls in the next booth over to sleep with him.. Не acted all bugged that I asked for a photo, even though that is what he was hired for and rolled his eyes.. I guess
Schmeeble 3y ago I used to work in a posh hotel in Canada (vague on purpose) and I had met many many famous people during my time there. Most were forgettable interactions honestly, but one stands out as the absolute worst. Chevy Chase. Не is a trash human being. Не was totally miserable and insulting to all the staff, and we treated him with nothing but professional respect and courtesy. If I ever meet him again I'll tell him to his face what a colossal piece of shit he is. I can't watch his movies since. For the record the
brockisawesome 3y ago Bobby flay, we paid hundreds of dollars to go to a fancy event he was participating in. Waited for a long ass time to just meet him and say hi, he looked at us and walked away. Was a dick about it too 9.8K ...
Antilon 3y ago Edited Зу ago David Cross is pretty miserable. He's from Atlanta and his sister runs a food truck in town. Her recipes were all named after David Cross/Arrested Development type stuff. So my wife and I being fans of David asked about it and she told us she was his sister. So for months we chat her up any time we order food from her truck, and eventually David's in town. She invites us to come to the food truck park to meet him, so we bring a poster from the early 2000s and are super pumped
Vohcals 3y ago Bill Nye the science guy. I was on a field trip in middle school and our teacher saw him. She politely asked if he could say something to us or just say hi- we always watched him in science class. Не told her to fuck off and basically berated her for bothering him and asking him to speak to a bunch of kids. I'm not sure if he was just having a bad day, but it was not the best experience as a child. 3.1K ...
breakingjosh0 . 3y ago Jared Leto. Hit on my girlfriend at the time, and called me fat. His brother Shannon was super nice though. 21K ...
El_Narco_Polo 3y ago I know this won't come as a surprise but Steven Segal used to frequent a restaurant I worked at. Dude was a colossal piece of shit. Не just treated his very wonderful family like shit and it was obvious he was cheating on his wonderful wife with the Asian nanny. This fucking moron would come into a ten table restaurant, all 6'5 and 300 lbs of him, wearing a gold kimono in the south and would wonder why people were looking at him...so he made us take the entry partition down and put it around his table.
DustiestSquid2 3y ago Met tiger woods when I was 15. Не slapped my hat out of my hand. A different golfer whom I didn't know ran up, picked up my hat and asked if his signature would be ok. I agreed but I don't know who he was or what his name was but my grandpa was pleased upon seeing it. 4.8K ...
cheeky-snail 3y ago Late to this but Pauly Shore. It was mid 90's in NY city and wife and I were at a very popular Asian restaurant with a huge wait. Не walks in with an entourage and tries to worm his way ahead of everyone else. Не tried to play the 'don't you know who I am?' card. Hostess was having none of it, said don't know, don't care, you'll wait. They left in a huff. 1K ...
cheesy-thots 3y ago Mark Wahlberg did an appearance at his brothers restaurant, he refused to take pictures with anyone taller than him 525 ...
 3y ago Wayne Brady screamed at my sister for taking his picture in Vegas. She wasn't taking his picture, he walked into the shot. Не freaked out screaming that he wanted her to show him that she was deleting it. She was trying to explain she didn't even know he was there and showed him the picture that only had a sliver of him in it when she looked through the shots. Не continued to berate her about not respecting his privacy (in the middle of the Strip). She was in tears apologizing for doing nothing wrong and he
omg_pwn135 6y ago Edited 6y ago Vince Vaughn. I was in this farmers market/restaurant once in Cali. I was on vacation with my family and my camera's memory was getting full so while we sat and ate i went through my photo's to delete what I could. Next thing I know, someone from across the place is yelling. I look up and he is waving my way and yelling at me to put the camera way. Roughly saying (and not nicely) Put the fucking camera away! what are you doing? can't I have some damn privacy? I think he called


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