30 Random Dregs of Trivia We Found Floating Around at the Bottom of Our Cask

Facts! Good to the last knowledge drop
30 Random Dregs of Trivia We Found Floating Around at the Bottom of Our Cask

We’ve got so many facts around here that some lists just kind of build themselves. Take this list for example. We were toiling away, compiling another stellar batch of facts, when we sat on the couch, and this list just spilled out from under the cushions. We couldn’t believe it! There we were, ready to take our second of three naps that day, and our entire afternoon’s workload just presents itself. 

Now we have time for that coveted fourth nap!

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This Fact Is One Step Up Knowledge Mountain

Many people thought women could not ride trains when they were first introduced in the US. Mizuno DW 22342 a р/д CRACKED GOM People believed that women's bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour, and that their uteruses would fly out of their bodies if they were accelerated to that speed.



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