27 of the Coolest Secret Compartments People Have Seen or Built

‘If you push the insulation to the side, a doorknob appears’
27 of the Coolest Secret Compartments People Have Seen or Built

The Zoomer mind cannot comprehend previous generations’ obsession with secret compartments. Nothing impresses them — nudge a book to reveal a passageway, and they won’t bat an eye. The rest of us, however, have long been fixated on complicated labyrinths and hidden staircases that we thought would be much more commonplace in adulthood. 

Whether it’s a Narnia-loving woman or a school principal who needed to hide his mini fridge, Redditors have shared the stories of the coolest custom compartments they’ve seen or built themselves — including one guy whose survival bunker is admittedly a bit suspicious.

 10y ago I used to do some construction work on schools during the summer. The principal wanted, in his closet, a door to slide up where he could keep a safe for special school records, and a mini-fridge. Although it wasn't very big or that cool. It was the coolest work I ever was involved in that summer. Plus, who wouldn't want a mini-fridge hidden in their wall? 1.5K ...
KHDTX13 10y ago This billionaire wanted me to install some sort of cave for bats. 2.2K ...
Yoinkie2013 10y ago My parents house has a secret room that's behind a book shelf in their master bedroom. The reason is put quotations around secret is because this hidden room is wall to wall open window. So basically, you could hide from someone inside of the house, but if they happen to walk around outside, you appear to be in a normal room. 943 ...
mryprankster 10y ago Carpenter. I built a grow-room for a guy's medical marijuana in Vermont. An alarm was wired directly to the state police barracks in the event of a burglary. 1.2K ...
Gabriellasalmonella 10y ago I once built a whole level of a room that was half the size of the others. It was a half room, I don't know why they wanted a half room, but it was not accessible with stairs, and the only way to get there was by stopping the elevator. 110 ...
shadowatmidn... 10y ago Edited 10y ago I built a Narnia closet for someone. Their daughter had one request for the new house: she had a built in armoire, white and modern looking with nice shelving units on the right side and a bigger opening on the left. However, when you pushed the back of the left, closet side, it opened up into an actual closet that was about 5x10 feet on the inside, not too shabby at all. Was a pretty fun build, albeit somewhat challenging. Edit: spelling/words. 655 ...
 10y ago Friend of the family works as a custom cabinet maker. Most of his jobs involve him making secret compartments for rich clients. Mainly desks with a secret place that can hide guns, keys, ledgers and swords (oddly enough a lot of people request that), but also that stuff in bookshelves, picture frames etc. Не also gets your typical movable bookshelves. 780 ...
 10y ago I used to do some construction work on schools during the summer. The principal wanted, in his closet, a door to slide up where he could keep a safe for special school records, and a mini-fridge. Although it wasn't very big or that cool. It was the coolest work I ever was involved in that summer. Plus, who wouldn't want a mini-fridge hidden in their wall? 1.5K ...
Barley_Hops_Water 10y ago Edited 10y ago Electrician here. Have done a few. The coolest was a secret passage-way and attached room in a in a very nice house. It was hidden by a movable bookshelf on both ends. The guy said he didn't have a specific reason for building it, he just always thought it would be cool to have a secret passage-way in his house. The other one that stands out was an underground survival bunker accessed through a hidden door in the back of a garage. It had an additional exit by means of an underground tunnel that
I_AM_POOPING_NOW_AMA 10y ago Never built one, but I did find one in a house i was doing some plumbing work in once. This was an expensive condo, and they had a secret office that had a secret one way mirror looking into the GUEST SHOWER. Creepy as fuck, man. 1.1K ...
unsupported . 5mo ago My house has a lot of bonus space. There was a closet under the stairs, with a bonus door. The previous owners kept their luggage there. There are also two doors upstairs going into the attic crawl space. My son thinks it is haunted. 44 Reply ...
redhighways 5y ago Lived in a warehouse in Melbourne. Always thought it would be cool to get on the roof, but there was no access. After about six months, I'm standing in front of a mirror upstairs when I notice it has hinges. I push on it, it clicks and opens out, revealing a small attic and roof hatch! That was pretty cool. Used to sit up there and watch the sun set over the city. 813 ...
electriczap 10y ago Electrician here. The customer wanted a sliding bookcase that hid 2 fire poles that slid down into the basement. Just like the old Batman TV show. Не even had the bust on his desk that had a button under the flip up head. The customer told me the bust was from the original show. The house also had a couple hidden doors and a panic room hidden behind a Tardis. It really was bigger on the inside. 44 ...
 5y ago We moved into a house with a door in the kitchen that could not be opened. The real estate tried but failed, assumed it let to the laundry room but was walled off. My older siblings, like any typical teenagers, were not convinced of this and were determined to open it. It was just a normal pantry but they never told our mother they managed to open it, and used it to hide things from her like alcohol, smokes, and weed. 3.7K ...
KE5TR4L 5y ago When clearing out my grandmas house I found a small door in the wall of the basement that led to a tiny room, according to my mother that's where they hid the family heirlooms when thieving relatives came to town. I was mostly interested in the fact that it was covered in scribbles from my mom and her sisters growing up. 29K ...
R12356 5y ago It was about a year into owning our house. We actually found two secret rooms. One was just a room under the stairs that was closed off. Had some toys from the 70s in it. The really crazy one was when we redid the insulation in our attic. One of the workers asked if I new there was a room up there. I had no idea. So we cut open the drywall and there were stacks on stacks of boxes from the 60s. Like a ton of boxes. And they were all full! So I opened them
PraetorKiev 5y ago I found a secret space in my closet when my mom and I were moving out of the house she was renting to move into my stepdad's house. I never noticed it because junk covered the section of the wall that was covering a small entrance to a room that was sealed off with boards and plywood. I couldn't pry it open but I could see light shining in it and a single mason jar filled with what I assumed was water. The air was cold in there like as if the central heating didn't even reach
 . 10y ago Under my childhood home there was a concrete room. You couldn't get to it from inside the house, and it was a bitch to get to, but I never told anyone it was there because I wanted it all to myself. My parents got divorced about six months after I found it and my dad lost the house about a year after that and it had since been demolished. I told my family about it a couple years ago (20 years later) and nobody believes me. Now looking back and thinking about it, it would have
scrappyjack 10y ago I was a custom interior carpenter and I did two. One was a bookcase that opened up into a large storage area. The other was a hidden room behind their wine cellar. We installed a custom wine rack on a piano hinge, with a latch in the space behind one of the bottles. In the room, they installed a safe and a gun safe. All of the electronics for the house lived down there, as well as a panel that opened up into the main living room, in case you wanted to shoot an intruder from the
Cultooolo 10y ago Just moved into a house that was built in the 70s. The previous owners custom built it, and the architect was the man's old frat buddy. Custom stuff everywhere (trash chute straight from the kitchen into the garage wheelie bin!). When we first looked at the house, we really loved it, but there was no office space that my husband could use for his music stuff. It was the only disappointing thing about the house, but since everything else was so perfect, we went ahead and put in the offer. When we were doing another walkthrough with
zziJizz 10y ago Im a pool builder and we were asked to build a hidden pool room for the equipment and other random things we had stone masons turn the whole underneith of the house into a secret room and bleneded the door into the wall. To open the door you needed to push a stone and the door opened automatically. 191 ...
 10y ago Edited 10y ago Yes, we worked on what was supposedly going to be a hidden/secret walk-in safe in the basement. This room was heavily reinforced. Normally, walls around doors are framed using wood. This door frame was solid reinforced concrete. The room was a square attached to the outside of the basement, so all four walls were concrete. We poured concrete above it, so the ceiling was concrete. (Very unusual!) We also poured the floor. So, it was six sides made of concrete. Since it was attached to the outside, there was no sign that it existed
 10y ago Friend of the family works as a custom cabinet maker. Most of his jobs involve him making secret compartments for rich clients. Mainly desks with a secret place that can hide guns, keys, ledgers and swords (oddly enough a lot of people request that), but also that stuff in bookshelves, picture frames etc. Не also gets your typical movable bookshelves. 780 ...
JimmyFree 10y ago I worked for a very wealthy man, and he had hidden rooms and sliding book cases etc. When he would need comm equipment in these areas, we would gain access. Some also were built around wiring channels and we would find them because the dimensions of the room didn't fit. We'd have to tell his assistant and let her know we knew, so she could let him know we knew and needed to get access. Не had a hidden pistol range, a few safe rooms, and a pretty badass gun room tucked away into the 3 properties
SonOfPlinkett 10y ago Not a construction worker, but in my old house one of the bedrooms had a small opening to the the crawlspace that was made to looked like a large mouse hole.
1234fuckoutthedoor 10y ago Edited 10y ago Wife and I had a secret, soundproof sex dungeon type room built adjacent to our bedroom. The reason for the room is that we have various devices in there that are impractical to disassemble and put away when we have friends over (or the day we have kids and still want to enjoy our fun discreetly). We had some devices installed when we built the room, such as a large metal cage and other restraining devices. The people who built the room probably asked us a hundred times if we were sure we didn't
LadyGreylcedTea 5mo ago My husband moved in with me after I'd been living in my house for 5 1/2 years. Не found a secret room in the basement I had no idea was there. The previous owner of the house was a homicide detective so we think it was a weapons room or something. 53 Reply ...


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