12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake

Put some spin on these suckers and let them fly
12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake

Disturb the still waters of your mind with these facts!

The Real Morpheus Isn’t in the Matrix

12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake

Public Domain

Say the name “Morpheus” these days and people immediately imagine tiny sunglasses. The name Morpheus is actually taken from a Greek God, and a fitting one: He's the god of sleep and dreams.

The Origin of the Surname ‘Fletcher’

12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake


You might be forgiven for assuming that bowmakers, or bowyers, also handled arrows. That was in fact, a different job, handled by a “fletcher.” So if your last name is fletcher, you probably have a family history of arrow creation.

Ronald Reagan Is Responsible for Blueberry Jelly Bellies

12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake


Ronald Reagan had a fierce jelly bean habit, owing from him using the treats to quit smoking. As such, he ordered three and a half tons of the candy for his inauguration, in the three classic patriotic colors. One problem: Jelly Belly only had red (Very Cherry) and white (Coconut) hued beans. They added blueberry so that they could complete the patriotic color wheel.

The Test Score Babies Receive One Minute After Birth

12 Smooth Pebbles of Trivia to Skip Across Your Brain-Lake


An “Apgar score” is a score that a newborn receives from tests performed at one and five minutes after birth to determine their general health.


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