27 of the Funniest First-and-Last Experiences

‘Drinking vanilla extract’
27 of the Funniest First-and-Last Experiences

There are some things you only need to do once to know whether or not you’ll be repeating the process. For one Redditor, that thing was “putting a tissue over a candle at someone else’s house.” While they didn’t elaborate on what happened to turn them off to such an activity, I think we can collectively make an assumption about the ensuing fiery events. 

Other Redditors remembered their firsts that doubled as their lasts as well, including the guy who got the shock of a lifetime — literally.

Sunflier 9y ago Skateboarding. Got one. Went up a reallyyy steep hill and went down. First time on. Developed a speed wobble. Made it all the way down. Came to a slow stop. Stepped off with jelly legs. Never got back on. That was almost 20 years ago. 14 ...
yeaiamahuman . 4y ago Deodorant when I was little tasted horrible 276 ...
Master_Of_Pun03 e 4y ago When I was little a put milk in a ice cube tray and thought I'd get milk flavored ice cubes but ended up with some manky chunks of dry creamy milk 987 ...
demonic_intent 9y ago Man on man porn. I was like 15 and thought Well, my sister is gay, I have some gay friends, and if I fell in love with a dude, I wouldn't hate it. So I tried to see if gay stuff turned me on. Not even a minute in and I realized that to me, dudes are not sexy and wieners are pretty gross. Needless to say, I bailed on the video after said realization and decided not to speak of it for a few years. 20 ...
Misshapenguin 4y ago Travelling with people you're only alright with. It's like the perfect storm for every single problematic/annoying trait they have. People wandering off from the group, fights/conflicts, whining about plans, acting entitled, etc. We had someone neurotically booking dinner reservations at expensive/bad restaurants because they were trying to make sure we didn't starve or hit a tourist trap. I realized solo/close friends/family travel is all I can tolerate 2.6K ...
dreamer234 9y ago On holiday in Cyprus and at the bar on our 1st night, the waitress came over to our tables with 2 shots and said Welcome to Cyprus. As soon as the shot hit my stomach, it came right back up and I threw up in my hands. First and last time drinking Sambuca. 102 ...
EarthtoGeoff . 9y ago Had liver and onions once. The metallic taste combined with the texture of pudding is a sensation I will not be entertaining again. Blech. 161 ...
I_Like_Ahri 9y ago D Edited 9y ago Cave diving. Finding out you have a mild case of claustrophobia under 15 meters of water in a cave without any natural light or air pockets is not fun. So I was panicking big time. As a result I absolutely burned right through my oxygen and got even more scared which caused me to burn my oxygen even faster. Nope not gonna do that again..
DoyoBootydo . 9y ago Eating a bouillon cube. I was a kid and it looked like a candy, never again. 134 ...
 9y ago Chasing a shot of tequila with milk. 907 ...
ThatDrummer 9y ago Drinking five shots of absinthe in less than an hour (I only aimed for 3; the other two were a dare). What a wonderful idea that was. I ended up wandering the streets of Prague, alone and late at night. I eventually passed out at a bus shelter for a few hours, waking up from time to time only to vomit and tell myself NEVER AGAIN. Somehow I'm still alive and was not robbed or assaulted. Everyone at my hostel who saw me the next day and knew what I'd done all exclaimed a variant of ОН
Landlubber77 9y ago Edited 9y ago My wife sticking her finger up my asshole while she was blowing me. We got really drunk one night and she was rimming me out (also a first) and it was fucking awesome, so we thought hey, maybe this ass play stuff is for us. It's not.
 с 9y ago Thinking wouldn't it be a great idea to put a tissue over a candle while at someone's house 471 ...
xRaw-HD 9y ago Sugar free Haribo gummy bears. I only bought them because the amazon reviews were fucking hilarious and i needed to see for myself. Yeah don't buy it! From one of the reviews. I rather take my chance with real bears. My guts are making a noise like a cross between a Skrillex track and a herd of cattle being boiled alive. 3.2K ...
TraLaLa7 9y ago Jumping into a small but deep, fast flowing river in North Wales in winter. I thought Oh what fun! Aren't I wild and crazy! and then froze immediately.... couldn't lift my arms or kick and the river swept me downstream. Lucky I was young enough to fight! 2.1K ...
Andromeda321 e 9y ago The one time I got punched by a gorilla is probably also going to remain the only time that ever happens in my life. I just can't imagine lining up that one again. 1.7K ...
samprog 9y ago Trying to impress my crush with drinking. She was more disgusted than impressed and I was feeling worse than I imagined. All of my butterflies flew out over the toilet. 2.1K ...
xRaw-HD . 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Drinking Vanilla Extract. 1.9K ...
mightystegosaurus 9y ago When I was eleven I tried to impress a girl by licking ants off of a tree. It didn't go as well as I had imagined, and so I just never did it again. 14 ...
sev45day 6y ago Sex on the beach. You think it's going to be great, but it's hot/cold, there's bugs, the ocean smells, and sand get's everywhere. I mean, you're still having sex, which is great, but the beach is not the best place to do it. 67 ...
sadnessucks 1y ago In middle school i jumped from the top of a slide and landed flat on the bottom, hurting my back. Pretty sure I've never recovered 11K ...
thealphagalgirl 1y ago Giving my knees floor burn for fun. I don't have a clue why I thought it was fun. Now they are in an awful state and completely covered in scars. 4K ...
TTHtv 9y ago Me trying LSD. I left the room I was in, and ran around my campus naked and got charged with nudity. Also battery because I apparently grabbed at a few girls but I have no memory of that. I also just didn't enjoy the trip that much because I had this overwhelming feeling that I would never come out of it 7 ...
go_ask_your_father . 9y ago Touched an electric fence. I was probably around 9 or 10. My brother told me to. I should have known better. 4 ...
InsomniacPlagueis . 9y ago Rubbing balm on penis for fun. Even washing cant undo this shit. 3 ...
VSM1951AG 4y ago When I was a kid, I added Accent (brand) flavor enhancer to my milkshake, thinking it was going to make it even MORE awesome, but it just made it taste like salt. It's MSG, I think. 42 ...
pru13 . 6y ago Riding a mechanical bull at my 33rd birthday party. Felt that for three days after. 6.6K ...


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