35 of the Funniest Random Celebrity Encounters

‘Bruce Willis owes my father $20’
35 of the Funniest Random Celebrity Encounters

It’s a little bewildering to have encounters with people who, for all intents and purposes, live inside of our TVs. Yes, celebrities are “real people,” but it’s hard to see them as such when they seem so above the mundane. Fortunately, Reddit exists, and people can detail the funny, wild or incredibly random experiences they’ve had with famous people. And as it turns out, they are kinda like us — Bruce Willis isn’t above owing someone $20, Tom Green was a weird teen and even Seth MacFarlane has had his car towed. 

Along those lines, here are Redditors’ most memorable run-ins with the rich and famous. And while some of them are enviable, I think we’ll all be glad we didn’t share a urinal with Sting.

littlemissmustache 12y ago Threw my baby bottle at Antonio Banderas at Universal Studios. Asked Tina Fey to name her second child after me. She said she'd put it on the list. Unfortunately, it was not to be. 53 Share ...
thesheba 12y ago I'm pretty sure I've told this on reddit before, but my friend dated Tom Green back when they were teenagers. She broke up with him because he chased her around while he was holding a dead pigeon one day. Share 55 ...
tyrannustyrannus 12y ago I was a park ranger in Central Park and was in the north end watching bats fly around at dusk. A really tall Irish guy came up and started asking me about bats. I did my best to tell him what I knew about bats without being too distracted by the fact that it was Liam Neeson, who starred in Batman Begins. 76 Share ...
mrtenorman 12y ago I helped John Cleese with a crossword puzzle on a plane when I was 5. Не was sitting near us and kept saying to himself, A five letter word that means, 'drill.' Now I had just started watching a buttload of these videos about drills and cranes and machinery (Hardhat Harry if anyone is interested) and so I told him the answer: Auger. I didn't know who he was, but my mom realized it was him when the plane landed and she saw someone holding a sign that said, Cleese. The sign didn't really say this, it
 12y ago i met matt damon in a south carolina rest stop. I was washing my hands when he came up, nodded a quick hello, then left. I was flabbergasted Share 169 ...
 12y ago one of my friend's moms banged Owen Wilson at after hooking up at a coffee bar in downtown Vancouver. Не left my friend a signed head-shot saying 'Thanks'. 143 Share ...
BeerNChips 12y ago Bruce Willis owes my father $20 My father was a doorman at the building Bruce lived in. One night while working his shift, my dad helped hail a cab for Bruce. Bruce then asked my father for $20, as he only had 100 dollar bills and the cabbie didn't take big bills. To this day Bruce Willis has yet to pay my father back his $20. 304 Share ...
NobodysSide 12y ago My parents lived in NYC for ten years, so they has a couple of these. The best one happened to my dad, and definitely seems unbelievable, but don't doubt him. When my older sister was a baby, my dad was waiting on a street corner, on his way to a doctor appointment, in front of a grocery store. My dad has my sister in a carrier on his front, and wrapped his coat around my sister to protect her from the light rain and cold. Suddenly, my dad spots Gene fucking Wilder. Gene Wilder notices my dad,
 12y ago I moved DMX's refrigerator, washer, and dryer into his house. Не was a funny guy and sounds exactly like he does while he preforms songs. Share 160 ...
DoodleBug9361 . 12y ago A former friend of mine had Jason Mewes (aka Jay of Jay and Silent Bob) call me once. I was supposed to go to a signing with her and backed out at the last minute. So the entire conversation was Jason asking me how my pussy was and why it wasn't there being signed. It was the most random conversation I have ever had. 52 Share ...
AnneShirley310 4mo ago 0 Edited 4mo ago Lake of Shining Waters in the South Bay About 10 years ago, I took my mom to Sushi Roku in West Hollywood to celebrate her birthday. We sat next to David Spade and his date. My mom knew who he was, but she wasn't a big fan of his. The next year, we went to Sushi Roku in Santa Monica to celebrate another occasion for her, and guess whom we sat next to?! We say that David Spade is my mom's Sushi Roku stalker.
Obvious-Pianist-7767 4mo ago I had violent diarrhea at work. Was is the stall for like 30 minutes. I think I uttered oh god make it stop at one point. Walked out and saw James Cameron washing his hands in the bathroom. I gave him a what's up head nod thinking I would seem cool. I was not. Every time I think about it I wonder how long he was there. Did he hear me talking? 290 Reply Share ...
smugfruitplate . 4mo ago Got my car towed because of a tiny-ass sign in the dark on a side street off of Hollywood blvd. Went to the lot to pick it up. Seth MacFarlane is there picking up an impounded car as well. It was 1 am. Не wasn't happy. 741 Reply Share ...
Sir_Herp_Derp 12y ago Not really crazy, but my godmother and her sister met Gene Wilder at a bar in North Carolina a few years ago and said, Oh shit, it's Young Frankenstein. Share 26 ...
GladosCalledMeFat 12y ago Seth Green at a convention; I ran up to him in full cosplay, asked permission to tackle, which he approved. So I did. My friend later got invited on stage with him and picked him up like a child. 32 Share ...
emileogalileo ОР . 12y ago I also had one of my kegs roll down into Martin Lawrence's backyard 44 Share ...
SuckPuppies 12y ago I was taking a vacation in London a few years back when i bumped into Judi Dench. i was waiting for a taxi and on the phone with my friend. i was doing a terrible imitation of the queen. if you've seen Jon Stewarts imitation, it was like that but much louder and a lot worse. in all honesty i was being a very obnoxious tourist. Anyways as i was right in the middle of imitating her saying well lets get some HOT EARL GREY TEAAAAA when Judi Dench pops right out of a taxi. i gotta
likealltheboysbefore D 12y ago Adele once asked me for directions. I didn't know the area. HAVE FELT BAD EVER SINCE. 27 Share ...
Onid8870 12y ago I saw Jaime Lee Curtis at a Farmer's Market in San Francisco. My friend was just awestruck and kept staring at her while JLC was looking at the lettuce. I kept telling my friend to go over there and say hello or at the very least stop just staring at the woman. My friend would not stop staring and when JLC moved along my friend shadowed her (with the lettuce bin between them) and JLC dropped the lettuce and stormed away. I called my friend an idiot and said she ruined any chance that Jaime Lee Curtis
Known-Pension9174 4mo ago Back in 99/00, was doing the whole Mann's Chinese Theatre/Star walk thing with old college roommates from the east coast and Little Richard comes rolling up curbside in the back of a stretch limo with the window down. My girlfriend yells, We love you Little Richard! and he yells back, Hey, Baby!, reaches out the window and hands her a Watchtower magazine. 216 Reply Share ...
4mo ago ScottyDOESKnow09 Valley Glen I saw a movie at the old Pacific Theaters at the Grove years ago and briefly helped out Ron Jeremy & his crew figure out a ticket kiosk Imao 48 Reply Share ...
. 4mo ago UnlikelyAssociation A sweet, lovely woman complimented my shoes in Blick's West Hollywood and I didn't realize until later it was Amy Adams (girl crush!)
roytheodd 4mo ago I was too young to be playing Santa Claus but I was playing Santa Claus at Petco in Studio City (Los Angeles neighborhood), for pet photos. I walked around the store between photos. I turned a corner into an aisle and there was Scott Bakula. I pointed and said, hey, I know you. Не pointed back and said, hey, I know you too. We laughed and it was over. Maybe 1996 or 1997. 75 Reply Share ...
. 4mo ago aztekwarrior4ever ran into Andy Milonokis in ktown outside a 711 around 4am. he wished me a merry xmas but it was the middle of July lol 86 Reply Share ...
Equal_Intention_4578 10mo ago I was 5 months pregnant and visiting London. I got on the tube and a man saw me and gave me his seat. I didn't recognize him right away but my husband did. It was Cillian Murphy. 1.6K Reply Share ...
atalenttoannoy 10mo ago I was at a restaurant in LA and it was really crowded by the hostess stand where I was standing. I took a step back to make room and bumped into someone. Turned around to apologize and my face was chest level with a VERY muscular chest and I looked up and it was Joe Mangianello. My brain froze so I meekly apologized and shuffled away. Не is huge and handsome. 368 Reply Share ...
cruzbae 10mo ago Worked in a strip club prob around 15 years ago. Ryan Phillipe was sitting at a table trying to be incognito. I told him hello and welcomed him to our city and his response was fuck you. Go fuck yourself. Then he got up and left. Complete asshole. 648 Share Reply ...
DogsOverPpl4Ever 10mo ago Served Tom Selleck at Starbucks. My brain didn't comprehend what was happening bc we were in a random Texas town. Не was nice, gigantic, mustachioed, and ordered a large black coffee bc of course he did. 187 Reply Share ...
 10mo ago I ran flat into sam rockwell in NYC a few years ago while running to catch a bus. central pk. w72nd to be exact. unfortunately, no meet cute. he went what the fuck and i said shit my bad dude over my shoulder and kept running. only a few mins later it occurred to me who it was. 91 Reply Share ...
dressinbrass 4mo ago West Hills Paul Thomas Anderson the morning after he lost at the Oscars for The Master, at pre-school drop off (usually Maya Rudolf did drop off). I just said sorry. The movie was amazing and he shrugged like yeah, well, oh well Andy Dick also tried to kiss my wife. 86 Reply Share ...
cyclejones 4mo ago Pissing at a urinal, very drunk dude pushes his way next to me and starts pissing in the same urinal. I look over to see who the fuck does something like that, and it's fucking Sting. Share 99 Reply ...
Jazzlike_Log_709 e 4mo ago Long Beach I said hi to Tyler, the Creator at Jamba Juice at The Grove when I was like 18 and he responded i have no hands and walked away 201 Reply Share ...
rukons 4mo ago Edited 4mo ago I was buying candles a month ago at Candle Delirium in WeHo... no one else in the store, and then in walked Laurence Fishburne. Не was smelling candles and I so badly wanted to walk by and ask him you think that's air you're breathing? Instead I said I'm a big fan and he smiled and thank you thank you Lovely guy
AdmiralAckbong 4mo ago Jason Mamoa blocked my car in at the climbing gym. Не boxed me in with his giant fucking truck parked like a complete asshole in a spot he had no business parking. Не moved it, wasn't at all apologetic and went about his day. Aquaman is a real tool in my book 204 Reply Share ...
mhazzie24 10mo ago . Edited 8mo ago Ryan Gosling at a Barbie test screening. Не came in after the movie started and sat behind us. During one of the big Ken scenes I was like wow the guy behind us is loving these jokes and snuck a peek only to realize it was Ryan laughing at his own performance, very endearing. 1.5K Reply Share ...


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