31 Random Bits of Trivia to Slap on Your Decaying Synapses Like a Slab of Flex Seal

Sick and tired of dull facts that won’t inspire? Have we got the facts for you!
31 Random Bits of Trivia to Slap on Your Decaying Synapses Like a Slab of Flex Seal

We like this list so much that we’re thinking about giving it its own infomercial! What better way to spread the word? And we’re not gonna put it in one of those 3 a.m. time slots either. No, we’re sparing no expense. This bad boy needs a daytime TV slot. Hopefully during The Price Is Right

Wait, that slot is how much? Wow. Okay, 3 a.m. it is. 

This list of facts is good, but it’s not Price Is Right good.

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