25 Random Bits of Trivia to Launder Your Dirty Thoughts

Good clean facts to replace the dusty old ones
25 Random Bits of Trivia to Launder Your Dirty Thoughts

Good facts can last a lifetime, but the bland, barely memorable ones definitely have a shelf life. Maybe it’s time for some spring cleaning. Let’s root through the ol’ brain cabinet and veggie drawers for expired facts, and while we’re at it, replace them with some fresh, everlasting facts that you can no doubt munch on years from now.

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Black Friday Deaths

A Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death by Black Friday shoppers in 2008. Walmart CRACKED.COM While other employees at- tempted to help him, the shoppers were unconcerned with the victim's fate and refused to halt their stam- pede, complaining that they were not willing to wait in the cold any longer.


The First Middle Finger

The first person captured on camera giving a middle finger was a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher. CRACKED.COM In 1886, an image was captured of Charles Old Hoss Radbourn flipping off a member of the New York Giants in a team photo.



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