31 of the Biggest Wastes of Money People Have Ever Witnessed

‘My boss bought a $30,000 boulder to put in his front yard’
31 of the Biggest Wastes of Money People Have Ever Witnessed

It’s poor manners to count someone else’s money, but sometimes that person’s spending is so wastefulness and stupid that it can’t be ignored. Case in point: One Redditor mentioned that their friend — who owns two watches that total $40,000 in value — can’t tell the time. This is confirmation of what we all know already: that large amounts of money are wasted on morons. 

Other Redditors joined in on the wallet-watching and disclosed the dumbest purchases they’ve ever witnessed, and there’s one we’d actually like to defend: The $200 taxidermy squirrel wearing a top hat isn’t a waste of money, it’s an investment in modern art.

blue_awning 10y ago My ex-girlfriend had an obsession with phone psychics. Not all at once, but over the course of a single year she spent over $15k getting 'life advice' from multiple psychic lines. No one in her circle of family or friends could convince her to stop. I haven't spoken with her in a few years but I wouldn't be surprised if she's still wasting her money on them. 1.4K Share ...
lewis1243 6y ago I had a friend that thought a good way to save money would be to buy gift cards for places he didn't like. When he actually needed cash he would transfer them for about 60% value. Idiot. 1.4K Share ...
hannahbeliever 0 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I was in a McDonald's at 4am and a guy bought 98 happy meals just to piss off the staff
Ghetto_Blaster 6y ago Edited 6y ago High school head of math department buys about ten pallets of chalk, and retires the next year. The new head of the math department decides to switch out all the chalk boards for dry erase boards. They aren't allowed to throw out the chalk, and aren't allowed to share with other departments who still use chalk boards. They had a room full of chalk for at least 7 or 8 years that no one was allowed to use. 20K Share ...
tskate1896 . 6y ago My boss bought a $30,000 boulder to put in his front yard. Share 786 ...
PantherTheRogue 6y ago The three separate occasions where my dad bought a boat, neglected to use it for years, sold it, and bought a different boat like the next year. 36K Share ...
atheista 10y ago An ex of mine bought a campervan on ebay for £2000. Не parked it on the street and within a week it had been towed. Не never bothered to get it back again. 329 Share ...
 . 6y ago I spent $200 on a taxidermy squirrel wearing a top hat and holding a gun for my brother's birthday. 1.9K Share ...
DrTribs 6y ago Definitely not the biggest sum of money, but spent for a really stupid reason. I bought a $300 bottle of scotch when I meant to buy the $60 version from the same distillery (the boxes looked nearly identical). When the cashier told me the price, I realized my mistake, but she and everyone behind me in line seemed really impressed that I was buying something so expensive. So now I own an unopened very expensive bottle of single malt because of my social anxiety. 15K Share ...
WeirdWolfGuy 6y ago Few years back i used to make cast molded pewter figurines for DnD. I could buy $25 worth of pewter, and mke about 50-75 figurines, which i sold for $10-$50 each (depending on the size). Had a guy come to me, buy EVERY figurine i was able to make (i had 72 different molds) for a cost of $900. Said he was going to get deep into DnD...week later he gave up on the game because he couldnt figure out the battle system.... 3K Share ...
BigJo101 6y ago I work at a car dealership as an apprentice mechanic, now I've seen many examples of people wasting their money, be it car parts, dumb accessories, whatever the list goes on. But there was this one guy that would spend literally 75$ on a car freshener, and bragged about it, constantly. He'd call himself elite because he bought these 75$ pieces of scented cardboard. I dont know what went through his mind every time he'd buy one of them. 1.1K Share ...
Atarisrocks . 6y ago Someone buying a £20 extended 3 year warranty on a £6 kettle. 6.9K Share ...
gatejejf 6y ago Edited 6y ago I'm a VIP tour guide at Walt Disney World. Each guide costs $600/hour and charging starts when you ask us to meet you, whether you're there or not. A family booked two of us multiple days in a row and wouldn't show up until typically 2-3 hours into being charged. $7k+ overall paid for tour time they didn't use. Didn't care at all.
wwishie в 6y ago Some rich dude in the Hamptons buying a pallet of Fiji bottled water. For his hot tub. 1.6K Share ...
 6y ago At a festival while walking back to my campsite I pass a girl who was probably 18-20 years old who was buying a wire wrapped drug spoon for $100. For those of you who are like wtf even is that it's a 2 inch long metal spoon (probably worth $3) with wire decoratively wrapped around the end turning it into a necklace and you use it to spoon drugs into your nose. 1.2K Share ...
 10y ago My brother got a $4,000 tax return. Не has two kids and lives with our parents. Instead of spending the money on like 7 months rent, he spent over $3000 in parts on his Plymouth Neon. Body kit, turbo charger, intercooler, and rims on a 20 year old piece of shit car. Не just recently totaled it because he drives like an asshole. Oh and he will be 31 years old next month. 890 Share ...
Petyr_Baelish 10y ago Those wrist bands which were supposed to give you better balance. I was out with about 5 friends and 3 of them bought it. 519 Share ...
peasandbones 10y ago £200,000 on a pigeon, I know everyone has their hobbies but pigeon racing is beyond me. 168 Share ...
ashybarry 10y ago In Scandinavia (mostly Sweden) we have something called vasking. It's when you pay the bartender to pour a bottle of champagne in the sink just to show how wealthy you are. It's widely considered to be an asshole move, but I saw this one douchebag do it with a $2000 bottle to impress some bimbos with great success. I wanted to fedora whip the shit out of him. 759 Share ...
ONE_GUY_ONE_JAR 10y ago I used to work in a high end electronics store. You guys think monster cable is a rip? I've sold people thousands of dollars worth of cables. The worst example I can think of is a guy that wanted high end speaker cable for his rear channel speakers in a surround sound system. I think they wound up at $1000 for each speaker. Total we're talking about over $5k in cables. 531 Share ...
DoAndroidsDrmOfSheep 1y ago A friend of mine pays a service to come pick up the dog shit in his yard that his dog leaves out there. Не has kids. If it was me, I'd be making the kids go out and pick it up as part of their chores. They're not little kids. They're old enough to be doing shit like that. 184 Share ...
Babysub1 . 1y ago My idiot father bought Iraqi money from some website Share 455 ...
redheadedstepch... . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago My neighbors once spent all their money on a private firework show, then had to hide their cars from the repo man for months. Edit: no longer neighbors. 1.2K Share ...
beaniequeeny 1y ago I dated a guy who would still use his debit card even when his account was over drafted because he didn't realize he was charged overdraft fees for every transaction. I had to explain to him his single snickers bar or bag of chips or whatever from the vending machine was now costing him an extra $35. And he did this multiple times every single shift he worked. 787 Share ...
Necessary_Oil_9779 1y ago My Mum has spent $1000s on crystals and stones. She continues to, and gives them as gifts, I have no idea wtf to do with them so I put them in my plants pots then she gets upset for some reason. Send help please 617 Share ...
RoseScentedGlasses 6y ago At a steakhouse with all kinds of cuts and prices of beef. Saw a guy ask for the most expensive filet cut, then request it very well done and dous the thing in ketchup before he ate it. 531 Share ...
Affectionate_Tie . 6y ago My friend owns 2 watches totalling $40,000. Не can't tell the time.
JellyBanana . 6y ago Whoever gave you gold for this question. 333 Share ...
AtlantaWeddingDJ 6y ago I watched someone spend over $13k on drinks to impress women at a club. Got drunk, passed out on couch..EVERYONE left him there. Club owner had to help him home. 390 Share ...
 6y ago My buddy plays some game on his iPad, but only when he's drunk. Не spent 6,000 dollars on in-game purchases, did all this while planning his 60,000 dollar wedding. I'm not sure which was the bigger waste but the whole thing made me sick. Share 255 ...
emaherio ® 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Family I know bought the $3 million house next door so they could knock it down for a tennis court


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