36 Random Bits of Trivia That Can Gain Access to Any Brain With Confidence and A Ladder

These will be in every brain on Earth soon enough
36 Random Bits of Trivia That Can Gain Access to Any Brain With Confidence and A Ladder

Tickets? These facts dont need tickets to get in! 

Like those funny rascals on that there interweb, they each grab an end of a ladder and confidently stroll past that ticketing booth as if theyre here to fix something. And even if your brains security catches them, theyll just slip those guards a random fact or two to look the other way. 

Its foolproof!

Volcanic Winter

2 million people in Russia were killed in a volcanic winter in 1600. CRACKED.COM An eruption in Peru from Huaynaputina created a worldwide volcanic win- ter, causing Russia's worst famine, killing 30% of the population be- tween 1601 and 1603.


MEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE DIAGNOSED WITH CANCER AND ARE 50% MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM IT, TOO. 1 1 64 1 eet fso IRO 4 an 44S wati acty 1 hoped A 6111 in

Bob Marley

Bob Marley's song, High Tide Or Low Tide, made him namesakes with a pretty hairy spider known as the Desis bobmarley. Being one of the few that live

Maurice LaMarche

Mayor Quimby: horror icon. Before he voiced Mayor Quimby, Brain, Mr. Freeze, and a ton more of your favorite characters, Maurice LaMarche got his start as an impression comedian. That helped him land the role of a Vincent Price knockoff on a Halloween episode of The Facts of Life.

Tie Color

The color of a politician's tie can manipulate our perception of them. Decisive & Intelligent & Powerful Trustworthy GRACK

California Gurls

AT A GLANCE SNOOP DOGG California Gurls was a West Coast response to Empire State of Mind According to Katy Perry, the 2010 song was reply to the 2009 East Coast anthem by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. CRACKED.COM

Source: MTV

The Hulk

HULK (2003) CRACKED This version of the Hulk was SO weird (the villain is Nick Nolte as a literal storm cloud of daddy issues) that Marvel retconned it almost immediately.

Source: IMDB

LeVar Burton

LeVar Burtons's proper frst name is Levardis, but he changed it to LeVar because he wanted to be an actor, and thought LeVar... rhymes with 'star


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