30 Times When Meeting a Significant Other’s Parents Went Wildly Off-the-Rails

‘Are you the one he brought last time?’
30 Times When Meeting a Significant Other’s Parents Went Wildly Off-the-Rails

I’m sure that if we could all buck tradition, most of us would avoid meeting our significant other’s parents. It’s just become a whole thing — the fake laughter, the prying eyes, the awkward questions… It’s enough already! But unless you strike gold and date someone whose parents are dead, you’re going to have to do it. 

In any event, Redditors have provided some wild stories about their Meet the Parents scenarios, and while there was no talk about nipples, there was mention of a certain Sanchez.

 12y ago Went to a renaissance fair where the girl's mother was a maid in waiting and would bring lances to the jousters. She handed me a cup of alcoholic cider and told me to hold it for her, which i immediately dank. She returned and i handed her an empty mug.. to which she laughed and said  go get me a fucking refill!!! 12 Share ...
ServiceCenter1 12y ago First time I met my in-laws was the day before our wedding. Only her mother knew she was dating. The wedding was performed by her uncle and her father wrote a wonderful speech. Her being from a devout Spanish catholic family, and an only child, I was very concerned. 13 years later, I wish I could see them more. 19 Share ...
 12y ago I went into my girlfriends house right around sunset on one of our first dates. The door lead right into the living room. Both of her parents and both of her sisters where sitting on various chairs, watching a movie in the dark. I could see silhouettes of everyone and the reflection of TV screen on all four of their sets of glasses. Upon entering they all simultaneously turned to look at me. I swear to god they must have planned it and it actually kind of freaked me out. Share 37 ...
Therearenopeas 10y ago When I brought my first serious boyfriend home to meet my mom he was wearing a Misfits sweatshirt. My mom, bless her, ignored his dyed mohawk, gaged ears and pierced nose and said that she liked his panda sweatshirt. I laughed so hard I cried. Got to give him credit though, he stuck around for 4 years. 290 Share ...
noodle-face 10y ago First time my mother met my highschool girlfriend was walking into my bedroom with my girlfriend completely naked on the bed and me fully clothed on the computer. 2.3K Share ...
pervyninja . 10y ago . Edited 10y ago I'm not a parent, but an older brother. My sister brought a boy home who didn't know how to use a knife and fork.
Silvercumulus 10y ago My boyfriend in high school was a senior at a different school, I was a sophomore. At their school homecoming game it was a tradition for all seniors to dress up in camouflage. So my mom first met him when he was dressed head-to-toe in black and white camouflage and wasn't aware of the tradition. As he was walking toward us she said, oh god, no. And didn't realize I'd heard her. To be fair, he was pure scum. 918 Share ...
TheBomar 10y ago Ex girlfriends Mom greeted me with, 'Did you convince my daughter to go on birth control so you could fuck her?!?'... I was shocked to say the least because we had only been dating for a few weeks and she was a virgin, I wasn't pushing the issue because I really liked her. In my confused state, the gf at the time explained to me that she told her Mom she wanted to have sex with me and needed birth control. First encounter with her Mom and I never recovered from that, she hated me. 2K Share
 10y ago As if coming out to my parents wasn't already a shocking news, I told them a year later that I'm dating someone who's only a couple of years younger than my parents and that I'm only interested in men far older than my age. We've been together for almost 5 years (married just 2 months ago!) and my parents are now very accepting of us both. Strangely they were more bummed out by me being gay than our age difference. 292 Share ...
jand2013 . 10y ago When I first met my ex's Dad, I thought in my young, naive 17 year old brain that it would be a great idea to go in for a big, manly handshake. He'd broken his wrist in a cycling accident the week before. I can still hear the crack it made in my nightmares. I also may or may not have let him drive himself to the hospital while I had disappointing teenage sex with his daughter.... Share 2.4K ...
Not_Chad_P . 10y ago So im not a parent but when I met my girlfriends mom for breakfast I ate the whole family's sausage and bacon thinking it was the plate they had left for me since I showed up late. They were to nice to say anything. 2.9K Share ...
 10y ago Не recounted the story of when he drove home so drunk he lost a tire hitting something, then drove on the rim for at least 4 miles down the interstate. Thankfully he's sober now, but is that something you want to talk about the first time you meet me? 796 Share ...
Stinky_WhizzleTeats 10y ago A quote from my dad. I didn't expect her to be black. Nothing negative both of my parents just didn't see it coming Share 795 ...
 10y ago My friend was at his girlfriend's house to meet her parents for the first time. Before dinner they were just sitting in his room and she was talking about how uncomfortable bras are so he tried one on. Cue the father walking in to say dinner was ready. 68 Share ...
greath 12y ago My dad met my GF for the first time wearing nothing but his whitie-tighties. When he walked over and shook hands with her I wanted to die. 19 Share ...
dragonfliesarepretty 12y ago I was so nervous the first time I introduced a boyfriend to my parents that I mixed it up. I pointed to my dad when I said my mom and vice versa. My dad took that and ran with it and went on to say how they were transgender and how he had actually given birth to me. The kid was so shocked he went silent. For hours. 1.7K Share ...
Oregonja 12y ago Visited ex-GF's parents many years ago and they came down dressed in hilariously formal garb. But her father was in the dress and her mother had a mustache and monocle. She warned me something ridiculous was probably going to happen but I was not prepared for that. I still don't know if the more disturbing part was that her father actually had a dress that complimented his figure or that I thought the dress complimented his figure.... 493 Share ...
ThePotatoCouncil 8y ago Met exes mother. She drove us from the station to her house. During the car ride, she spoke to my ex about me in the third person, as though I didn't exist. Share 51 ...
SomeAltAccountPun . 8y ago My boyfriend said we were going to see his parents. We were in that cemetery for like an hour 41 Share ...
Babybull91 . 8y ago I met my current GF's mom in the waiting room while she was getting a colonoscopy. Share 7 ...
Chronopher 8y ago Went around to meet her folks for the first time, and first thing her old man did was say come this way. I followed dutifully and he led me to his gun cabinet / cleaning room. Shows me his gun collection and makes me 'pick which gun you'd like to be shot with if you hurt my daughter.
Luckysausage e 8y ago Half way into dinner, than her family dog of about 15years keeled over and died. 5 Share ...
bob-leblaw 8y ago First date, mom and dad both came to the door. Farted loudly, mom laughed so hard she was still wiping tears when we left. 9 Share ...
bigsean27 8y ago Not me but my padre. Не was in college and talking to a girl who ended up inviting him over for dinner. She warned him that her father had lost his legs in Vietnam. Mi padre, being the joker he is, goes on and asks her, Did he ever find em?. So once they head over to the dinner, the father opens the door, in a wheelchair, looks at my padre and just gives him the look of death. Ended up okay though, her dad was really quite a comic and they ended up getting along. 11
scaleytron 12y ago Are you the one he brought last time? I liked her 12 Share ...
WedgieWhite . 12y ago My SO's mother asked me what a dental dam was. Share 5 ...
auntiepink 8y ago So my now husband was only separated when we started dating. We met his mom at a buffet restaurant for lunch with some of her church friends on a Sunday. The first thing she says (at double volume) is, Can I ask your girlfriend about your wife? The looks I got from the family in the next booth were rather scathing but the church friends were all cool. 129 Share ...
endlessben в 8y ago First time I met a former girlfriend's mother, she said My kids won't tell me so maybe you can - what's a 'dirty sanchez?' 212 Share ...
solohall 8y ago My girlfriend had me over for dinner at her parent house for the first time. Steak dinner with all of the fixins'. I take my first bite, swallow, immediately start choking. I'm so scared that I'm going to make a bad impression, so I took a drink of water to try to wash it down. Didn't work, so after about fifteen seconds without a single breath my face turns red, so I start freaking out an point at my throat. So my girlfriends mom does the Heimlich maneuver and I throw up all over the floor. Her
lunchesandbentos 8y ago . Edited 8y ago At Christmas, MIL takes a single strand of long golden hair off of my husband's (then boyfriend's) jacket and asks him where this came from. I knew his exGF of 5 years had long golden hair and he just took the thing out of the closet for the first time in a long time, but she did it to try to phase me. Should have run then. 51 Share ...


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