41 Sequels That Picked Up Seamlessly From the Original — Or Missed the Mark Disastrously

‘Back to the Future Part II’ kind of nailed it. ‘Jurassic World’ kind of blew it
41 Sequels That Picked Up Seamlessly From the Original — Or Missed the Mark Disastrously

In Jurassic Park, “life finds a way.” In Jurassic World, man just kind of brute forces life to do his bidding. 

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Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Honey, I Shrunk The Kids ends with a feast of giant food. By the sequel, Dr. Szalinski forgets how to enlarge stuff. In Honey, I Blew Up The Kid, Wayne Szalinski is working for a big company attempting to perfect a brand-new ray that enlarges things as opposed to shrinking them. Even though the ray from the first film is already doing that. CRACKED.COM Honey, I Blew Up the Kid, 1992.



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