42 Mind-Control Techniques Employed by Modern Marketing Wizards

42 Mind-Control Techniques Employed by Modern Marketing Wizards

The moment humankind invented marketing, we lost free will. Any chump in a suit with the right resources can make you eat when youre not hungry, compete when youre not in competition and generally consume when you don't need anything.

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Saline Meat CRACKED.COM Plants aren't the only things in the grocery store that get an aquatic fluffer. Lots of meat manufacturers inject their products with saline to make them look juicier and weight more.


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When people do a blind taste test, they prefer Advertising Pepsi to Coke. But affects your when they can see the shopping labels, they pick Coke. decisions This is because the brand way more recognition than you part of your brain realize. overrides the flavor- sensing part of your brain. GRACKED.COM


Some grocery stores use smaller tiles in the aisles with higher-priced items. They give shoppers the illusion that they're moving more quickly, so they slow down. CRACKED.COM


Printer ink cartridges have fail switches inside them that make your printer think they're empty when they're not. к CMY BLACK COLOR And some printers use chips to prevent you from using third-party cartridges to get around it. CRACKED.COM


If you buy something because it's on sale, if it's not something you would normally buy, you're not saving money. 50% 10% 20% SPECIAL OFFER And sometimes you'll wind up spending more than you would for a different brand, even after the discount. CRACKED.COM


Stores have obnoxious fluorescent lights and terrible music for a reason. Bright lights and annoying music keep you from making good shopping decisions. CRACKED.COM


Clothing stores have mirrors to make you feel terrible about yourself. Most people, when they see themselves in the mirror, think they look lousy. The idea is to motivate you to buy a new outfit. CRACKED.COM


Consumers perceive sale prices to be a better value when they're printed in a small, light font. This is according to marketing professors at Clark University and The University of Connecticut, who explain that in our minds, physical magnitude is related to numerical magnitude. Most retailers get this wrong. GRACKED.COM


The clearance rack is hidden in the back of the store on purpose. Stores want you to look at all their regular-priced merchandise, first. It's also a mess on purpose, so you won't be able to find anything, and will return to the tidy, more expensive items. CRACKED.COM


Retail stores have cluttered, crowded aisles to slow you down. The longer you linger, the more you'll shop. The more you shop, the more you'll spend. GRACKED.COM



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