36 Totally Wild Freak Accidents

‘Electrocuted by a Dr. Pepper machine’
36 Totally Wild Freak Accidents

It’s inevitable that we will all die, but how it’ll happen remains a mystery for most of us. It’s ideal, of course, to go out in your sleep, blissfully unaware that it’ll be the last time you close your eyes. But for some people, it’s not that simple. Instead, they end up being cautionary tales — a story that’s told in a hushed tone with the closing line, “...and that’s why you should get life insurance!”

Redditors have revealed the unbelievable ways people they’ve known have died, and if you need something to feed your fear of going to the beach, mowing the lawn or using a Dr. Pepper machine, there’s plenty of fuel here to stoke those flames.

Blundell1992 1y ago . Edited 1y ago A family friend bumped his head, walked about 15 feet across his back yard, sat at his picnic table and died. Autopsy showed no head trauma, but he broke his neck when he hit his head. They figured the walk across the yard caused something to shift enough to do fatal damage to his spinal cord. 2.5K Share ...
Claytrain1989 e 1y ago I used to work for a septic company. A guy who drove one of the big septic trucks that sucked out underground septic tanks at people's houses had to get on his hands and knees and reach into the tank because the lid had fallen in. Не lost his balance and fell head first in. His shoulders got wedged in the opening and he drowned upside down in human waste. I don't think I've ever heard of a worse way to go. The homeowner found him after about an hour. 1.8K Share ...
highvolt132 1y ago A guy I knew was setting up a rope swing over a lake for his kids and their friends, which he had done many times before. Не always would take a practice swing himself before he would let the kids go. His hands slipped off the rope and he fell before he was over the lake. Не hit his head on a rock and died in front of the kids. Share 4.3K ...
doctor-rumack 1y ago Former co-worker of mine was gored by a bison while on a trail run. Ironically, he often posted on message boards for the park to be aware of wild animals while there, and in one post he said there are too many people with headphones on, or trying to get too close to the bison to take selfies. Не was normally very careful apparently. 2K Share ...
Goomonkey85 . 1y ago A friend of my dad's was overseeing a repaired braided 3/4 cable being spooled from one drum to another (at very high speed and tension). Не had his gloved hand loosely on the wire guiding it into position (a big no-no in the industry). A frayed wire came through, snagged his glove and dragged him into the drum, wrapping him into a contorted paste within seconds. 1.7K Share ...
apatheticnihilist 1y ago . Edited 1y ago My uncle was mowing grass on an embankment next to a small body of water. The mower unexpectedly slipped down the embankment and overturned on top of him, pinning him under the water. Не drowned in a few feet of water that he otherwise could have stood up in.
SomeRandomUser00 1y ago A friend of mine was riding his 4wheeler out at an off-road park, he kicked up a tree branch that impaled him in the thigh, he bled to death before anyone even knew it happened. 10K Share ...
powderedtoastsupreme 1y ago A guy I went to high school with was helping his family do some repairs to a silo on their family farm. A section of the silos roofing gave way and in he went. Suffocated under thousands of pounds of grain. Share 12K ...
Armywifelife97 . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago A girl I went to grade school with was crushed under a smith machine at a local gym. 24 hour gym so no one was around to help 3K Share ...
 1y ago My neighbor was cleaning his gutters and fell off his roof because he missed his footing when stepping. Fell right on his head. This was a few year back now but the family moved quickly after even though it had been their house for like 30 years. I can't say I blame them. 12K Share ...
thelaundryservice 1y ago There was a person at the beach who got impaled by a flying beach umbrella. Horrible situation. Her husband was right beside her and she died within seconds. 17K Share ...
frenchcat808 1y ago My SIL's aunt died of hypothermia. She went for a walk out in the hills in the winter. She knew the trail very well but got disoriented by a light snow fall and got lost. She got cold and tired, laid down by a rock and died of hypothermia. She was 100 yards from her car. 14K Share ...
lowtronik 1y ago My uncle, was refilling a Zippo lighter, while smoking... Somehow it caught fire, he set himself on fire. Не was in the bathroom. Не tried to reach the shower. The extreme flammable shower curtain caught on fire and he inhaled large amounts of toxic smoke. Не died a few days later, mainly from lung issues and not so much from the burns. 652 Share ...
DarthDregan . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Guy was working on his car, the brake failed, and his head was crushed by the wheel (the tire was off at the time). 5.2K Share ...
EatLard 1y ago Guy I knew was driving a tractor-trailer with a stack of pipe on the back. Не swerved to avoid an accident after a car cut him off, went into the ditch, and was cut in half when the load was propelled forward by the inertia from the sudden stop. Share 4.3K ...
TapoutKing666 1y ago My uncle Mike got in a heated dispute with someone who bought a boat from him and stopped making payments. During the altercation he got super worked up. By the time it got physical, he had a heart attack mid-fight and died. 458 Share ...
gottarunfast1 . 1y ago Не was shortstop in a high school baseball game. Other team hits the ball. Ball hits my friend square in the chest. His heart stopped. They tried to do CPR, but he was gone before the ambulance got there 2.1K Share ...
MutinyintheKitchen 1y ago Friend's brother accidentally got caught in the back of his dumpster truck and was crushed in the trash compactor. This sadly happened only a couple years after their mom was hit by a car and killed. Share 893 ...
secondlogin 1y ago My insurance guy was pulling a limb out of a large tree with a chain and a rope. Не was behind the pickup, his wife was driving the truck. Rope snapped from the strain and chain snapped back and hit him in the head, killing him instantly. Не was in his 50s. (nice guy, too) Ironic thing, is this is exactly the sort of scenario he would describe as to why you need life insurance. 20K Share ...
bitchclitcuc 1y ago A cousin of mine was electrocuted by a Dr. Pepper machine. His 2 children received $60,000 that thier mom lost on bingo 29K Share ...
Moos_Mumsy 1y ago Was putting up decorations in the barn, getting ready for a wedding. Apparently something up there was in the way and he decided it needed to be cut off so he took a chainsaw up the ladder to do it. Lost his balance and fell off the ladder while holding the chainsaw. 4.2K Share ...
tinathefatlardgosh . 1y ago Got a tongue piercing. That same night, took a sleeping pill to sleep. Choked on his tongue which was swollen from the piercing. Share 3.8K ...
judohart 1y ago . Edited 1y ago My students dad is a fisherman. One of his workers was leaning over on their boat grabbing something when the boat made a sudden movement and he hit his head and died. 1.9K Share ...
tff_silverton 1y ago A family member highly allergic to bees is swarmed by them and jumps into the water to escape them. Turns out it was an immediate 30+ foot drop as the pond was an old quarry. They couldn't swim and drowned. 1.3K Share ...
Vagrom 1y ago A guy in my high school climbed a high tension powerline on a dare. Не was electrocuted, his heart stopped, and he fell from the top all the way to the ground. Share 1.2K ...
mementomei e 1y ago A cannon blew up during a baby shower and a guy I knew in high school was killed by the shrapnel. Share 96 ...
nvdagirl 1y ago A guy I went to high school with was drinking at his college dorm and climbed up through the trap door in the elevator. I don't know the exact details but he got caught somehow and was kind of folded in half by the elevator. Share 101 ...
BadEnvironmental8083 1y ago My gramps got bifurcated by a car lift, A friend of my family got hit in the head really hard by a fish and drowned I've had allot of friends od because their shit was spiked My great great grandma died from a cannon ball, it fell on her from the attic. 199 Share ...
PhoneboothLynn 1y ago A guy I knew was killed by a gunshot. Не was relaxing in his hotel room when the idiot next door shot a handgun into the wall. It hit him in the balls and he bled to death before he could reach the phone. Horrible! 213 Share ...
hozezero 1y ago Friends father died when he was mowing uphill and the tractor flipped and crushed his skull. Share 340 ...
BadAssPhillyBoy g 1y ago A friend that lived 2 doors down from me in college. Не was an avid skydiver and used to bang on my door every Saturday to go- never did. You guessed it. One Saturday his chutes didn't open. 65 Share ...
ericjgriffin . 1y ago A coworker of mine was having a large tree removed from his yard. The folks felling the tree lost control and it swung the wrong way and crushed my coworkers wife like a tomato. Brutal and gory. Share 81 ...
Crackbabychair... 1y ago . Edited 1y ago My great grandfather worked on a railroad. Was walking from one train to another along the top. His feet got stuck in some bars or something. trains started to move & seperate. Man got ripped in half. 68 Share ...
 1y ago One of my previous trainers (a very accomplished Equestrian eventer) died when her horse tripped on a log jump, and landed on her. Not really a freak accident, as much as it was a risk of the sport. 45 Share ...
Dummlord28 1y ago I a childhood friend of mine slipped on a banana peel and got a concussion, stayed in the hospital for days, he died, I have issues playing Mario cart and shit now cause it reminds me of that which is sad, it's a hilarious way to go out but I miss my bro Share 50 ...
Only_Music_2640 1y ago The husband of a work colleague was killed by a swan in a condo complex pond. The story was so weird it made the daily mail. 36 Share ...


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