26 Funny Facepalm Moments

‘They should make a Blockbuster, but for books’
26 Funny Facepalm Moments

The true mark of a facepalm moment is how enthusiastically someone forges ahead into wrongness. It’s a beautiful thing to witness, really. If you haven’t been loud and wrong at least once in your life, you’re not really living. One guy who was hands-deep in a protest can attest to this. In an effort to show his displeasure with the logging industry, he cemented his hands into a bridge to block the logging trucks that frequented it. Unfortunately, it was the wrong bridge. 

These are the little moments that make you feel truly alive right before praying for death

Thankfully, there are plenty more facepalm-worthy moments where that came from, including one about a girl who clearly has never heard of a library.

Ze3ks 13y ago I saw a man outside 7-Eleven with a cup and he asked me for some change. I pulled $.50 out my pocket and put it in his cup, it ended up being his cup of coffee. 790 Share ...
crindygray . 13y ago A kid in my class in grade three told me that his parents were considering getting a divorce. I said to him If your parents really loved you, they wouldn't put you through that. They got divorced soon after. Share 1.4K ...
 13y ago I told a man he had some dirt or something on his forehead. Не gave me a disgusted look and said It's Ash Wednesday, idiot. More like Ashhole Wednesday, I said to myself two days later, still embarrassed. 1.5K Share ...
clear_despite 13y ago An old couple pulled over next to me and asked for directions to Panera Bread (a restaurant). It was about 3 miles away downtown; I gave them competent, precise, street-by-street directions like a BOSS. After they pulled away, I realized that there was another Panera in the strip mall across the street. 458 Share ...
mitchctim 12y ago Co-worker didn't take the garbage out because it was Valentines Day so she thought there wouldn't be pick-up. 28 Share ...
etherama1 12y ago Yesterday, the topic came up about whitney houston's death. i asked why everyone thought it was such a big deal, and this girl proceeds to say She was really important back when music first started. to which i obviously inquired, So what year exactly did music start? she said i dunno, the 70's. 11 Share ...
 13y ago It was the holiday season and I was shopping in the mall. I noticed a teddy bear at a small store and remembered that those bears were being sold in the department store. I brought the bear back to the department store and gave it to a salesperson. When I went back to the small store, I saw that they were selling the same teddy bears.
ApolloBrowncoat 12y ago I can't remember the context now, but woman I work with (mid-20s) kept using the word necrophilia when she meant narcissism. Hilarious and depressing all at once. 71 Share ...
Addisukk 0 12y ago I worked in an elderly home last summer and me and a few coworkers were talking about pregnancy and adoption etc. One coworker then says she is going to adopt a third baby after she has given birth to two. We then ask why and she says Well women only have two ovaries so they can only have two babies. Share 173 ...
 14y ago My lovely little sister once stated while watching an address from the pope that I believe in the pope, even though I'm not Jewish. I still don't know what she meant by 'believe in. 26 Share ...
marvoging 13y ago When I was 15 I bought lunch for an old asian woman i always saw pushing a shopping cart full of cans and bottles through my neighbourhood. Turns out she wasn't homeless lol Share 46 ...
Climb 14y ago I saw a shooting star one night with a girl and she said: I can't believe all those stars die and crash into earth every night, its amazing huh? 35 Share ...
triknic 14y ago I work at a bank; I was cashing a check for a client and asked her, do you have a preference in bill size? She stared at me blankly, then held up her hands about six inches apart. Share 21 ...
robmkearns 14y ago In my high school physics class, a girl told us she was nervous when driving her Honda Civic because she thought if she pulled the handle between the seats, it would activate the ejector seat. She wasn't joking. 35 Share ...
Karamazov 14y ago In my business marketing class we were discussing product development and a girl mentioned that Ford was reintroducing the Model-T, saying she saw a newspaper article about it. Turns out she was citing The Onion. 34 Share ...
etcetcetc00 15y ago A few friends and I were talking about whether or not there is life on other planets when one guy chimed in and said: We're never gonna know, so it doesn't matter. We don't know anything about space. We don't even know if there's gravity on other planets! It was painful. 41 Share ...
 14y ago I just missed 1/4 of the points on my midterm because I accidentally missed a page of it. 46 Share ...
 15y ago Years ago a school friend of mine cemented his hands onto a logging-road bridge to protest and block logging trucks. It was the wrong bridge and nobody showed up, but at least he got into the newspaper. Share 39 ...
pics-or-didnt-happen 14y ago St Patrick's day: Went downtown with a bunch of friends, everyone left their cars parked at my place. Got home some sixteen hours later, belligerently drunk. Burst into the house, accused my sister of having a party and demanded to know where all the people were who's cars were in the driveway. 44 Share ...
sonar1 15y ago Two drunkards about to fight at a house party, yelling at each other. Instead of saying Ima fuck your shit up! Не went with this gem: Ima fuck da shit outta you! Не was so embarrased he went in for the first punch, missed and slipped on the muddy grass. 55 Share ...
 13y ago Used to live in a rough part of London. Late one night I was walking home drunk after a night out and I saw two guys trying to bump start a car - being a helpful guy, I gave them a hand. I pushed for about ten minutes before I realised they were trying to steal it by rolling it away from the owner's house before starting it... 1.3K Share ...
lameth 15y ago ((preface: I was born and lived much of my life, to include when this happened, in Michigan)) Was sitting in Biology in High School and discussing the places I'd moved to and from. One of the places I mentioned was living for two years in England. The cute blonde sitting next to me got all excited and said Oh! Do you speak English?! 86 Share ...
Ipecacophony 13y ago A friend of mine was at a continental breakfast, waiting in line for coffee. Не poured himself a cup, and saw a lady behind him was waiting as well, so instead of putting down the pot, he thought he'd be polite and hold it out for her to take. Unfortunately, coffee pots having only one handle, he ended up just expectantly holding a scalding hot cylinder at this poor lady. The stood like this, awkwardly trying to figure out what to do, before the lady said Just put it down. Не did. Share 1.5K ...
llathrop 13y ago Riding home on the bus the other night I could hear a fellow rider asking the driver for directions and which stop to get off at, etc. I didn't hear the driver respond so I saddled up to the task and sauntered down the aisle to her seat where, as if I were a designated ambassador to the city, I asked where she was headed and if she needed help. Turns out I wasn't familiar with the area she was going to, I couldn't help with directions, AND the bus driver had already answered her, I just
LethalShade 13y ago Leaving a store, trying to be nice so I hold the door open for somebody that's about to go in. Gives me a strange look and continues walking down the street. Share 765 ...
 ОР . 14y ago My mom told me this one: She was at a dance with one of her friends (a girl) in high school. They were playing the song Respect by Aretha Franklin. Halfway through the song her friend turns to her and says, Anna, I just got it, she is spelling respect. 4 Share ...


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