25 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Emerged From Their 17-Year Slumber to Consume Our Crops and Blot Out the Sun

25 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Emerged From Their 17-Year Slumber to Consume Our Crops and Blot Out the Sun

You gotta help us! The facts just started doing some consuming of their own! We came into work and put our dinosaur boots in our little cubbies (like we do every morning), then the facts jumped out of the screens and swallowed an intern whole! We froze in fear, but managed to read their message: “No longer shall we be swallowed by your brains. It is you who shall now be swallowed by ours!” 

So please, from the safety of this broom closet, we beg you — do not attempt to read these random fa… 

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In 1999, the Philippines blamed 50 tons of jellyfish for a massive blackout. Apparently, according to the authorities, the giant quantities of jellyfish got sucked into a power plant's seawater intake, so the entire plant failed. CRACKED.COM


All the house interior scenes in Home Alone were actually shot in a gym. They just built the whole thing in a high school gym - apparently, using a real house wouldn't have provided enough space for a film to move around in properly. CRACKED.COM


There's only one place in the world with platypuses besides Australia. And it's the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, which houses two platypuses - part of an effort to raise awareness for the platypus, the zoo says. CRACKED.COM


According to US regulations, children's sleepwear has to be flame resistant. - - And not just that, but it has to be able to self-extinguish if it accidentally gets set on fire by a lighter, match, candle, or something similar. CRACKED.COM


In the original Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible, there was no apple. The fruit that Adam and Eve ate was just fruit. The first Latin translation called it malus, a pun - malus meant both apple and evil. CRACKED.COM


The guy who played Gunther on Friends got his job for one reason only. And that reason is simple: none of the other extras knew how to work an espresso machine, but he did, so he got promoted from extra to actor. CRACKED.COM



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