25 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Emerged From Their 17-Year Slumber to Consume Our Crops and Blot Out the Sun

Hope you had a good yield, ‘cus these facts are starving
25 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Emerged From Their 17-Year Slumber to Consume Our Crops and Blot Out the Sun

You gotta help us! The facts just started doing some consuming of their own! We came into work and put our dinosaur boots in our little cubbies (like we do every morning), then the facts jumped out of the screens and swallowed an intern whole! We froze in fear, but managed to read their message: “No longer shall we be swallowed by your brains. It is you who shall now be swallowed by ours!” 

So please, from the safety of this broom closet, we beg you — do not attempt to read these random fa… 

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