30 of the Funniest Times People Failed at Using Everyday Objects

‘A cordless house phone’
30 of the Funniest Times People Failed at Using Everyday Objects

By now, a lot of everyday objects are such a part of modern culture that their usage seems obvious. But according to more than a few Redditors, that mindset couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether it was a guy who opened milk cartons by cutting the top off with a knife, or a guy who used a rake upside down, the following stories will make you feel a little better about where you’re at in life. 

On that note, let’s all raise a hard-shelled taco in honor of the girl who had no idea how to eat them. Hopefully she’s learned since then. 

NotVerySmarts 7y ago When I was a kid, we would laugh when my mom would try to play Mario Bros on Nintendo and she would try to jump lifting up the controller. Now I try to play Nintendo Wii with my son, and he laughs because I forget to jump by raising up the controller. 1.6K Share ...
 7y ago After years of using the families windows98i 'upgraded' the family with my old but gold computer. My mother rang me 3 times in the next 2 weeks because she couldnt find the power button, why? Because the old computer had a big red power button and the new computer was 'broken' because it had a big blue power button IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT. 8.5K Share ...
 7y ago An egg. I took a cake decorating class. In 12 weeks, this woman never figured out how to crack a raw egg. Every single time, she crushed it. No matter what advice she got or how many times she was shown. Share 215 ...
 7y ago My fiancee can't use a a toaster. It's either lightly toasted or satan. There is no in between. I've shown her numerous times. Same result. 2.8K Share ...
reddrambler 7y ago Shovel. Saw someone put the foot up on it, ready to push down, then just fall over. Share 5.8K ...
BubbleTK . 7y ago I saw someone open a milk carton by cutting the top off with a knife 3.5K Share ...
the2sday . 7y ago I've seen someone so incompetent with a can opener that every can they opened looked like a Pillsbury biscuit canister. Share 1.7K ...
R9_280x S 7y ago First time this kid stayed away from home without parents and he thought an iron worked just by being a heavy metal thing to flatten clothes, didn't realise you could turn it on to heat it up or anything. 1.9K Share ...
coturnixxx 7y ago I saw someone park his bike on a sidewalk and then painstakingly hang his bike lock on one of the handlebars. Then he just walked away. 3.1K Share ...
gardenmarauding 7y ago I worked with someone who genuinely did not know how to use paperclips. Не was really embarrassed when someone called him out on not knowing and showed him how. 6.1K Share ...
 7y ago Edited 7y ago One guy at a breakfast buffet got to the Bacon tray. Не took a pair of tongs and held them backwards, as in the part with which you are supposed to grab bacon, in his hand, pinched it closed so only a slit was left in between the two rods, trying to slide the bacon in between. I had to help him after watching this for 2 minutes. Не was a grown man. 12K Share ...
macceronicheese 7y ago Saw someone trying to staple some pages together without a stapler. Just going at it with a single staple in hand. 10K Share ...
Photeus5 7y ago My 90 year old grandmother was pissed at some other 70 year olds cooking for a church because they were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler. 1.3K Share ...
Sergeant_Sriracha e 7y ago Witnessed multiple people ask why north just moved on a compass after they have rotated 90°. 4.1K Share ...
Komlz 7y ago Saw someone slide a cheese grater to grate the cheese instead of just sliding the cheese. This was a big grater so it wasn't really practical to move the grater. 930 Share ...
MarchKick . 7y ago The lids on the orange pill bottles. Child proof and adult proof. 15 Share ...
DrSWil70 7y ago A friend of mine sent out a fax dozens of time because the sheet of paper kept going out of the fax machine. Obviously if the paper went out it was not sent... I guess she expected the paper to disappear and reappear on the recipient fax machine. 23 Share ...
pepel101 . 7y ago A lighter. Since coming to college I have been amazed at the amount of people unable to grasp the workings of a lighter. 25 Share ...
Lorenzo_Gomez 0 7y ago File cabinet. Younger coworker couldn't get the drawer to open so I told her to push the thumb button and pull. After trying it and it worked she shook her head and said, fucking millennieals. 26 Share ...
sealedinterface . 7y ago Eating a taco by sliding the contents down the shell into her mouth. 10 Share ...
NickKnob 7y ago A cordless house phone. My mom went to the grocery store a couple of years ago, and I went to the garage to help her pack some stuff in. As she got out she held out the phone and said come grab this. I said mom, what the fuck are you doing with that? She deadass looked at me like I was the dumbest human she'd ever seen and said honey, now what would i do if someone called while I was out? 10 Share ...
The_Anti_Life . 7y ago To power off the old windows хр computer. My younger brother would yank the power cord out of the wall. 8 Share ...
ecyoung58 . 7y ago My roommate didn't know how to use a plunger after clogging the toilet. Не just pushed it in once and was surprised when it didn't unclog. 7 Share ...
frostysbox 0 7y ago I did not know how to cut an apple at work the other day. Everyone laughed at me. I bought them all apple cutters and changed their world view. 7 Share ...
Mavrk6 7y ago In the late 90s I showed Dad how to use a search engine. I left the room for no more then 5 minutes before he started cursing wildly. My dad being in construction searched Stud Finders for his first search. 471 Share ...
8thirtyam e 7y ago Volunteering at a marina cleanup, watched a guy legitimately try to gather up leaves with the rake upside down. No one helped him, poor dude. 38 Share ...
Cortoro 7y ago A corkscrew. When we were dating, my husband thought you just drove it in and struggled until you pulled the cork out through sheer physical strength (he's a big dude). Не managed to knock several things off the counter trying to open the bottle of wine until I went on Youtube for an instructional video (I wasn't a wine drinker and had no idea how to use the damn thing myself) and got it open. As it turns out, a lot of guys have no idea how to use corkscrews in their early/mid 20s. It was always
N64GC . 7y ago My roommate doesnt get that you have to plug the toaster in first. 562 Share ...
giggidygoo2 0 7y ago My flatmate wanted to use my butter once. I keep it refrigerated, they do not. They couldn't work out how to spread it, they kept hitting the bread with it, I could barely keep a straight face. 996 Share ...
TechniChara 7y ago When I was in high-school, my friends and I decided to make cupcakes. I had never made them before, my family always bought them. I volunteered to get the mix to make them. But when I got to the store, I searched high and low and could not find cupcake mix. There was mix for biscuits, corn bread, muffins, cookies, and cake, but not cupcake mix. I asked an employee and she looked at me like I was crazy, and told me that cupcakes are made using cake mix. 12 Share ...


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