17 Dumb Pieces of Advice Millennials Have Gotten from Boomers

‘Buy a house so you can refinance it and make some money’
17 Dumb Pieces of Advice Millennials Have Gotten from Boomers

Without inciting some kind of generational war, it’s pretty clear that each generation’s advice eventually will become irrelevant to people younger than them. I mean, respectfully, it costs more than $10 to attend college or buy a house these days, so baby boomers’ advice about saving money is null and void. 

Millennial Redditors have vented about the worst advice they’ve gotten from the generation keeping disinformation alive on Facebook, and we need you all to understand that cold-calling employers isn’t a thing anymore.

 6y ago Just walk in and ask for a job, they'll love your enthusiasm 3.3K Share ...
NotReallyMaeWest e 7y ago Babies just need love, not money. Sorry, mom, no grandkids until I have a job with a decent paycheck and less student debt. 1.9K Share ...
effieokay g 7y ago My friend's dad got a fantastic job right out of college (with an unrelated bachelor's degree) by LITERALLY GOING INTO A RANDOM BANK DOWNTOWN AND REFUSING TO LEAVE UNTIL THEY GAVE HIM A JOB. Can you even imagine? Can you?? Share 574 ...
DrMonkeyLove 7y ago I guess I'm on the old side of the millennials, but I had numerous people tell me not to go into computer science and instead go into some other engineering field because computer scientists didn't make good money, wasn't a good job, not a good fit, etc. Glad I didn't listen to any of them as I make a really good salary now. Why the heck would I take advice on entering a high tech field from people who can barely use a computer? 799 Share ...
GingerHiro 7y ago Dad told me when I was young that interracial relationships would never work. Не said that there's a reason the black birds are with black birds and the red birds are with the red birds. Its just nature. I've been with my ethnically different girlfriend for a long time now. Probably the best person I've ever met. Share 175 ...
katie3294 7y ago Buy a house so you can refinance it and make some money. From my aunt with a serious shopping addiction who's refinanced her house 3 times and is in serious debt. 229 Share ...
theelvishkilljoy . 7y ago Temp agencies will get you sustainable work. Why are you looking online for jobs when there are temp agencies? 450 Share ...
bluepandadog 7y ago My mother told me to, Just get a job. Tons of places are hiring. Though, she has come to understand the struggle now as she spends all day applying to jobs and not getting a single call back. 2.3K Share ...
John0517 . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Don't take a job unless it gives 4 weeks vacation out of the year Because that's what someone can get fresh from college.
DAT_DROP . 1y ago don't sit too close to the TV or your eyes will cross permanaently 229 Share ...
CrazyCoKids 7y ago HAPPY H You can't get a job in management out of college, you have to start in the mailroom. Uuuh... To get a job in the mailroom you need five years experience. That or work for free because internship. And when we have five figure student loans to repay we can't exactly work for free cause unpaid internships don't put food on the table or gas in our cars... 651 Share ...
 ОР . 1y ago Stick with one employer your whole career, they'll never steer you wrong. Having several employers on a resume is a red flag. Share 380 ...
laus-est-sol . 1y ago My great grandma always said keep all your spare change in your car and you will always have gas money. Share 49 ...
 7y ago Just cold-call or cold-email the hiring manager, even if they don't call you they'll still have your resume in the system for later. Uh, no. Every job I've had has been because I knew a guy who knew a guy. Share 1 ...
AngloManic 4y ago My grandfather told me that if someone drives in a way I found dangerous, I should follow them and tell them to drive safer. Who has that kind of time? Just sounds like a recipe for getting beaten up, tbh. 81 Share ...
cocky_duck19 4y ago Was looking into rocket science and working for NASA. Problem is that I'm awful at math. My mom recommended I get a janitor job at NASA and try to work my way up. Had to convince her goodwill hunting isn't very realistic Imao. 52 Share ...
Fatherchristmassdad I 7y ago My boss recently told me my generation was entitled, and began quoting various articles on how we all think we're special and exempt from criticism etc AS I was shoveling a dead rat out of the doorway. 1.1K Share ...


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