30 Random Bits of Trivia to Hack Into Your Mainframe

30 Random Bits of Trivia to Hack Into Your Mainframe

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Every currently living Leonberger dog can be traced back to 8 that remained after World War 2. CRACKED.COM The Leonberger breed of dogs were used a lot in both World Wars in and around Germany. Many of the dogs were aban- doned or killed in action due to invasions.


Black metal band Darkthrone drummer Fenriz was elected as a councilman in Norway in 2015. asics CRACKED.COM Thinking he wouldn't have to do anything, his campaign was a picture of him holding his cat that said, Don't vote for me.


NASA gave away hundreds of trees that have been to the moon. CRACKED.COM They never kept track of who they gave them to. Now they are trying to find them. One was at the White House.


In the 1930s, a dog named Swansea Jack from Wales saved a total of 27 people from drowning in the River Tawe. CRACKED COM Не was awarded a silver cup by the Mayor of Lon- don and to this day is the only dog to have been awarded two bronze medals by the National Canine Defense League.


After Hurricane Katrina, Cuba & Venezuela were the first countries to offer assistance. CRACKED.COM They pledged over $1 mil- lion, several mobile hospi- tals, water treatment plants, canned food, bottled water, heating oil, 1,100 doctors and 26.4 metric tons of medicine - but were reject- ed by the US.


Rationing in the UK during WWII increased life expectancy in the country and decreased infant mortality. CADERSK GACCAS GRACKED COM This was because all people were required to consume a varied diet. The only nega- tive effect from it was the in- creased time needed for meals to consume the neces- sary calories from bread and potatoes.


Amou Haji is considered the world's dirtiest man. CRACKED.COM Не hasn't bathed in over 60 years, eats the rotten meat of dead animals, lives in a hole, and uses animal poop to smoke from his pipe.



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