32 Movies With Behind-the-Scenes Surprises, Secrets and Synchronicities

Guess which movie benefited greatly from A.I. spiders?
32 Movies With Behind-the-Scenes Surprises, Secrets and Synchronicities

Because you happen to be here right now, we’ll wager that you nerd out on “making-of” stories as much as we do. It’s nice to be among like-minded people — even though you’re where you are, and we’re hiding under this random car, typing lightly so those mean boys with the football don’t hear us. Our shared enjoyment of these behind-the-scenes gems is giving us the strength to stand up and make a run for it!

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An American Werewolf in London

GRIFFIN DUNNE GOT TOWED INSIDE A TRAILER ON THE SET of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. Dunne said he had to stop filming at one point to use the bathroom in the only trailer on set that had one, but halfway through, the trailer started getting towed with him still in it. CRACKED.COM



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