22 of the Funniest Things Fathers Did That Were ‘Peak Dad’
‘He has two lawn mowers: one for lending and one for using’

Dads are truly the epitome of “guys being dudes.”
Whether it’s stocking up on a week’s worth of frozen dinners because mom’s out of town or traveling well over 2,000 miles for a free hat, the fathers of these Redditors have displayed some “peak dad” behavior. It’s not like they can control it either — once men become fathers, dad-isms become part of their DNA. Sure, you can laugh at the dad who has two distinct lawn mowers (one for lending and one for personal use), but you can’t call it nonsensical.
And so, lace up your New Balances, grab a crisp Coors Light from the basement fridge, and get ready to learn what Peak Dad Form™ really looks like.