33 Bizarre Achievements in Fast-Food History

From the McDonald’s VR headset to KFC’s fashion line!
33 Bizarre Achievements in Fast-Food History

Those busy little beavers at fast food’s helm will do anything in the name of progress. Think about it: Every time you visit any of these chains, there’s a new menu item, a new toy, a new sales-y gimmick and maybe even a new foodborne illness. The fast-food game is anything but stagnant, so today we acknowledge some of the sillier rungs up their ladder of progress.

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KFC’s Fashion Line

CRACKED KFC'S FASHION LINE. During British Fashion Week, designer Katie Eary and her team of 100 designers completed KFC's challenge to create a number of original garments in 1 hour. It was aimed at promoting their new KFC Ricebox.


Sweden’s Ski-Thru Fast-Food Restaurant

Sweden has a ski-through McDonald's Donald's A ski resort has a McDonald's you can ski right up to. How very Swedish of them. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


KFC’s Nail Polish

CRACKED KFC'S EDIBLE CHICKEN-FLAVORED NAIL POLISH. FTS FINGER LICKIN ITS FINGER GOOD и LICKIN GOOD DI Two flavors, Original Recipe and a bright orange Hot and Spicy, were introduced in 2016. To accentuate their finger lickin' good slogan, they instructed celebrities, bloggers, and social media stars in Hong Kong to lick their freshly painted nails.



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