37 Bits of Trivia That Are Nearly Spoiled so We Mashed Them Up Into a Loaf of Dessert Bread
Quick! Gobble up these facts before they turn

We’re humble enough to admit that we could never compete with your mom’s banana bread. She’s been whipping that thing up for decades now, and we’re all just happy to enjoy those yummy slices. So we thought, why not stick to our strengths? We know random facts better than most, so we mixed the bruised, mushy ones with some random stuff we found laying around the kitchen, and boom! A lumpy concoction that tastes horrible to the mouth, but delectable to the brain!

Power Rangers

Silence of the Lambs

The Hundred Years’ War

Joseph Goebbels

College Treasure Hunt


The Voices in Your Head

Dennis Dees

Bee Movie