27 Clothing-Store Customers Whose Wild Demands Would Make a Mannequin Blush

‘A fully grown woman wanted me to dress her’
27 Clothing-Store Customers Whose Wild Demands Would Make a Mannequin Blush
 . 5y A mother wanted me to take off her child socks and put Sandles on her to try. Pretending not to hear her and walked away ... 605
Helloypres . . 5y Take the security tags and wire off a $499 North face winter Jacket and allow him to take it outside to try it in the sun so he could see if he really liked it ... 5k
dazzleduck. 5y I had a woman SCREAMING at me that I needed to look in the back for another size of a shirt she wanted. She couldn't comprehend that she was in a thrift store. ... 5.3k
AwkwardLook 5y Not necessarily a demand, but an older woman once offered me money if I would go to her house and tidy her wardrobe for her. ... 369
 . 5y I work at a small mens clothing store and this guy wanted me to try on the pants he wanted to buy and see how it looked on me. ... 205
snow-vs-starbuck 5y When I worked at BabyGap we didn't have the correct size onesie that a woman wanted to buy. She then demanded that I go into the back and have them make her one. I had to explain to her that the clothes are sewn in China and shipped to us from a distribution center. There are no seamstresses making baby onesies in the stock room of your local BabyGap. ... 8.7k
eliteguard91 . 5y Someone asking for a discount when you work for one of the most expensive luxury retailers in the planet and being told that I'm spending a lot so I should have a discount which baffles me nobody is asking you to spend over 20k you entered the shop knowing fully well what the brand and the prices are so ???? ... 545
extrasupersecretuser . 5y Had a customer demand a refund because the salesperson told her if she wanted a refund she had to bring the receipt. Which woulda been fine, if she brought the product to return. Got mad cuz I refused to give her money for nothing. Got more mad when after screaming at me for 20+ minutes she asked me to lunch and I said no. ... 3.8k
 . 5y One time a lady tried to pay her store credit card bill for a card from a completely different store. When I explained to her that we are not that store and couldn't help her, she kept saying things like But don't you guys use the same provider? It should be easy! What gets me is the store the card was from was literally right next door. I have no idea why she just didn't go there in the first place. ... 87
UncleRye . 5y Worked in a suit shop. My first day, some guy shouted at my 17 year old self til I teared up because he wanted the formal wear (ie... the entire shop) and I couldn't work out his request. Не meant the hire wear, which was clearly labelled as upstairs. ... 113
lamDangerWolf . 5y She ran a mini-marathon on blacktop in $20 paper flats, and disintegrated the soles. Then wanted to exchange for better/more expensive shoes since the ones she bought were defective. ... 205
loanNemos . 5y Not me but my sister: a dude asked her to check what size underwear he was currently wearing. She suggested he duck into the dressing room and look for himself. His response? Dammit. Ugh... 869
Capitansan . 5y She tried to return underwear and had a go at me when I told her that we don't for hygiene reasons. Made me call my manager and everything. There was a hair in it. It was also 50 cents. ... 5.6k
KymmaLabeija . . 5y Dress them. A fully grown woman wanted me to dress her because The customer is king. E: Because y'all keep asking, she was pretty but not hot. I am a heterosexual woman so that didn't matter anyway. ... 2.9k
Mcachead . 5y These are common - I'm 5'2 and people around 5'8 constantly ask me to get a size down because they can't reach. People ask what size their daughter/sister/mother etc is without having them there or even a picture. They then get annoyed that you don't know. Using the fitting rooms as a toilet, and the curtains as toilet paper. Leaving dildos in the kids fitting room. ... 788
DeltaNthCactus 5y I work at an outlet mall, and I had a lady that hardly spoke any english yell and scream at me that it was a Texas State Law that every store must stay open until sunset (it was a Sunday so we closed at 7pm, but since it was summer the sun didnt set until 8:30pm) so she could use the fitting rooms. I replied ma'am, the sun sets later but GAP closes now, the fitting rooms are closed please make your way to the cash register She insisted I call my manager over, who not only hates
JayG420 . 5y I use to work at Vans awhile back as a floor supervisor. I had this older guy come in shopping for his daughter, it was her birthday. We helped him out finding everything he wanted and it ended up being a good sale. But when it came to checking the guy out was a different story. I was listing off the things he picked out. Shoes, jacket ,hat... That's when he stopped me. It's a cap he said. I said ok. I don't want the cap unless you call it a CAP! I just looked at him
 5y i worked at a shoe store in high school. this one woman would come and buy her son a pair of sneakers from time to time. after a few months of the purchase, she would come in with the sneakers & try to exchange them for the next size up. her son had very clearly worn the shoes every single day since she purchased them originally - one time, they even had a hole in them. she basically thought she could buy the shoes once & keep exchanging them when they got too worn or didn't fit him anymore. every
eztrov 5y I used to work at an outdoors store and someone once came in looking for a fully waterproof vest. I asked why he would want such a thing, and he told me I have a very expensive down vest and I need a waterproof vest to cover it so it doesn't get ruined. I tried repeatedly to explain that a rain jacket will do the same job, without getting his head/ neck/arms soaked. Не was insistent that he can only wear a waterproof vest, because what's the point of owning a $750 vest if you're covering it up
lavitaetroppobreve 5y I used to work in the 'body wear' (men's underwear and PJs) department of a high end department store. I'd have men trying to return clearly worn, sometimes stained boxers all the time. Customers were allowed to try on pants before they bought them, and I'd always tell them to try them on over the underwear they were already wearing but most didn't... I had a couple of repeat customers who discreetly asked if I could grab some lingerie/stockings from the women's department for them to try on. Never bothered me - it was a luxury store and I was
Ragnar_Targaryen 5y I worked at a Nike Outlet store for a little while, and primarily worked in the shoe department. We sold shoes ranging from boots to cleats, sandals to running shoes, we sold them all. This one older gentlemen requested a sandal with a strap over the top, sort of like Tevas. I told him that Nike didn't really have any sandals like that, especially at the outlet store. Не proceeded to tell me that I'm wrong and that Nike definitely sold them because he got his current pair at Nike. I took a look at his current pair
CrotchWolf 5y I was working customer service at a JC Penny's outlet store when we had a woman walk in wanting to return some items. When I asked for her receipt, she said she lost it so I thought to try scanning the barcode to see if I could bring up the purchase in our system and that's when I noticed the tags had the store logo on the back.... ....for Hudson's. A store that had been gone since the 1990's. When I confronted the lady about the fact these clothes were bought from another store (and had to have
 5y I used to work at bath and body works and an old lady who I suspect was partially deaf kept demanding we process a return for soap she purchased. Used Soap... Used BAR Soap.... That she bought from Walmart. How did I know she bought it from Walmart? It had the clearance sticker on it Dove, she had clearance Dove soap that she used, repackaged, and brought into my Bath and Body works to return it. Hoh boy. ... 220
 5y I worked at a Levis and a man came in to try on a plaid shirt that was displayed in the shop window. Не said he had OCD and asked to try on every plaid shirt (probably 50+ shirts) we had in his size because he needed the lines to match up at the seams. I was bored af so I decided to help him instead of focusing on other customers. The sale took about an hour and a half but he bought $400+ worth of clothing and then called our district manager to say how happy he
CakeAndDonuts . 5y Had a mom of a girl on the cusp of big kid vs juniors sizes demand that I give her a pair of adult shoes at a kid price. She's only 11, I shouldn't have to pay full price to put shoes on her feet. When I refused, she tried to force her daughter to wear shoes that were way too small. The poor girl was in tears by the end of it. Newsflash: kids grow. Rapidly. It's your job as a parent to find a way to feed, house, and clothe your child. It's not the
 . 5y I do customer service for a clothing company. I had someone call cause she didn't get the online promotion that we had. It was clearly stated on the ad that if you don't enter the promo code, you don't get a discount. She threatened that she would stop buying from us. Welp I didn't care ... 903
LopsidedPlankton . 5y One time this lady came into the store and starts asking me for different sizes in everything. No problem, we have all the sizes in the back, I'll go get them. She's being a bit excessive, but whatever it means I get to spend time digging around in the storage room. Eventually she comes across a sweater she wants to try on and it just so happens that I'm wearing the same sweater at work that day. She asks for a small and I apologize because we are sold out. This lady then looks at me and goes


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