30 Bits of Trivia to Soak Up Into That Run-Through Scrub Daddy You Call a Brain

Wring out that brain sponge, baby! We’ve got a massive fact spill
30 Bits of Trivia to Soak Up Into That Run-Through Scrub Daddy You Call a Brain

People like to say, “Out with the old, in with the new,” but when it comes to facts, we think the old ones can stay, too. Call us hoarders if you must, but there’s no need to toss out a perfectly good fact just because you learned it a year ago. Now, if we find that the fact is just a myth in fact’s clothing, then yes, out to the curb it goes!

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The U.S. Interstate system exists partly thanks to Eisenhower's WWII experiences. During and after WWII, Germany's four-lane highways were probably the best in the world, and Eisenhower used them to move troops and travel across the country. So he thought four-lane highways were a great transport system, and fought hard for the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
All freshwater fish kind of come from duck poop. The first fish in a new pond or pool come from eggs eaten by ducks. 0.2% of the eggs come out of the duck's other end intact -- a really low percentage, but ducks are very abundant, so a swarm of ducks moving to a new pond will leave enough eggs to populate it with fish. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


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