33 Random Bits of Trivia Harvested From the Factoid Mines

A fact is the amuse-bouche of knowledge
33 Random Bits of Trivia Harvested From the Factoid Mines

One of these facts could lead you down quite the rabbit hole, if it tickles your fancy. Ugh, that term about tickling fancies just kind of creeped us out a bit. What does that even mean?!?! Anyway, you never know where a single fact could lead you. It’s the spark that could make you want to learn more about Glenn Close, or cults, or even tickled fancies themselves.

The titan Cronos, from the God of War series, stands 1,600 FEET TALL. By way of comparison, the Empire State Building is 1,450 feet high. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Minecraft's total surface area is over 9 MILLION EARTHS. Or if you prefer big, unwieldy numbers, 4,722,366,482,869,645 square kilometers.


In Star Trek: Voyager, the titular spaceship needs 70 years to make the 70,000-light-year trip back home. Today's spacecraft would take 300 MILLION travel years to the same distance. CRACKED.COM


The website Obsessed with Film calculated that in order to master piano, ice sculpture, and Phil to spend so on, Connors 10 had stuck DAYS in Groundhog Day. 12,403 2 10 3 0 4 That's just under 34 years. CRACKED.COM


The main cast of Seinfeld dated a grand total of 212 GIRLFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS over the course of the series. 27 73 50 62 CRACKED.COM


A World of Warcraft player can run the whole length of Azeroth in one hour and ten minutes. At marathon speeds, this suggests that Azeroth is about 14 MILES LONG. Roughly the size of Manhattan. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM In Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the cloud that surrounds V'ger is stated to be 82 AU across. That is more than the distance FROM THE SUN TO PLUTO AND BACK. It was scaled back to only 2 AU (twice the Earth's distance to the Sun) in the special edition DVD.


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