31 Bits of Trivia to Shovel Into Your Skull Like Coal in an Old Steam Locomotive

Cars may be gas or electric, but brains are powered by facts and facts alone!
31 Bits of Trivia to Shovel Into Your Skull Like Coal in an Old Steam Locomotive

Our mouths have a lot to do to consume food, so it’s pretty neat that our brains consume facts without all that chewing or swallowing. Our brains do miss out on a fact’s tastiness though. Clint Eastwood once repealed a town’s ice cream ban. There… Could you taste the ice cream? No? We’ll work on that.

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Sylvester Stallone

In 1971, Sylvester Stallone sold his dog, Butkus, for $40 to buy food. After selling the script for Rocky, he bought him back for $15,000. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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