25 Ways the World Used to Be a Lot Weirder

We may not be perfect, but we’re doin’ way better than these silly old ancestors
25 Ways the World Used to Be a Lot Weirder

It seems like we as a species are a work in progress. To be fair, in the grand scheme of things, we haven’t been around for that long. And the time we’ve been able to record and now look back on is a lot shorter than that. From the looks of this short history book of humanity, we need some more time to get things right.

Each Fact As Good As The Last!

Pepsi was once the 6th largest navy in the world. L'Est CHIN Y VIII MITH IN IV . F WIL HE VI VII - IV - XI VII WILL ... es hwep ПЕПСИ-КОЛ ПЕПСИ ПЕПСИ-КОЛА - ЗОВАРНЫЙ E ПЕПСИ-КОЛА SPAR RANBER ТОВАРНЫЙ il AOR - - NET НИ the - DE 13 11 17 .. 33 : DE 12 ЛЬНИЙ 179 11 21 = 37 27 13 15 17 10 The USSR had restrictions on transporting rubles outside of their territory, so they made good on a $3 billion contract in 1990 with 17 submarines, a frigate, a cruiser and a



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