31 Bits of Trivia That Have Been Handed Down From Generation to Generation in a Sacred Listicle for Millennia

Better than money, father’s will was full of facts!
31 Bits of Trivia That Have Been Handed Down From Generation to Generation in a Sacred Listicle for Millennia

Elders have been passing down knowledge to their youngins since the dawn of time. Some of that information made it all the way to our present-day minds, but some (like the building of those pesky pyramids) was lost along the way. Today, we focus on the facts that made it, because well, we don’t have the ones that didn’t. Unless, of course, you want to look at a bunch of empty pages.

10-Year-Old Gold Medalist

The youngest athlete to ever win a medal was 10 years old. Dimitrios Loundras was the youngest athlete to ever medal in the modern Olympics. Не won bronze in gymnastics at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens. CRACKED.COM


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