34 Golden Nuggets About Money and Currency

Three squirrel pelts for your tasty wheel of cheese, please!
34 Golden Nuggets About Money and Currency

Okay, so you put one of your nation’s leaders on a piece of paper. Now what? You throw a number on it, and it just magically has value? Well, secret’s out, currency makers… Things don’t have value. They are given value. By us. The people. And because we value the heck out of this here pen, we’ll trade it to you for that there piece of paper with Benjamin Franklin on it. Deal? Deal!

The Big Maple Leaf

The largest piece of legal tender in the world is 220 pounds. MILLION DOLLA, ILLION DE DOLLA Canada's Big Maple Leaf is a $1 million coin made of about $2 million worth of nearly-pure gold, that somehow reached a market value of $4 million. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Inmate Billing

In 43 states, jails and prisons can bill inmates for their stay. The fees can be tens of thousands of dollars, are imposed at the sole discretion of a judge, and are often aggressively collected regardless of ability to pay. CRACKED.COM


In 1923, hyperinflation caused German currency to lose almost all of its value. It became so worthless that people gave it to children to play with or used it as wallpaper. GRACKED.COM

North Korea

North Korea's military used Bitcoin to steal over half a billion dollars. They stole it from online trading platforms in 2017 and 2018, and used blockchain technology (the basis of Bitcoin) to be able to do it undetected. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Italy has a Fort Knox for cheese. Credito Emiliano accepts wheels of Parmesan as collateral for loans while cheese makers wait for their sources of income to mature. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
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