32 Hilariously Embarrassing Attempts at Flirting

Flirting is one of the most humiliating things you can do. You pretty much never know if your attempt is going to land. In fact, you’re guaranteed rejection more often than not, and some rejections are a fate worse than death. Sure you’re alive, but just barely. Take, for example, the guy who spent $500 on scotch for the entire bar, all for the purpose of impressing a girl there. Not only did he not impress said girl, but he got blackout drunk and had to retrace his steps the next morning to find all of his belongings — and that isn’t even the most mortifying story below.
Redditors have reached into the crevices of their mind to pull out their most embarrassing attempts at flirting, and all we can say is, don’t try this at home. Like really, don’t. You will not be getting laid if you tell a girl you want to fight crime together.