32 Bits of Trivia That Fell Into Forbidden Love Just as an Age-Old Rivalry Between Their Powerful Families Spilled Over Into Violent Confrontation

If only history class rifled off rapid fire facts like this
32 Bits of Trivia That Fell Into Forbidden Love Just as an Age-Old Rivalry Between Their Powerful Families Spilled Over Into Violent Confrontation

Did you have (or still have) a great history teacher? One who kept you engaged and interested enough to want more from the past? Cus we didn’t! Pfft. That guy was just droning on and on about the American Revolution or whatever, and we were like, “Buddy! Give us the goods!” Like, did you know Hugh Jackman used to be a birthday clown? There! Now I’m intrigued. But you don’t see that on the exam, now do ya?

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