28 Movie and TV Show Behind-the-Scenes Revelations

Glow up?! The flame-throwing guitar in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ was made from bedpans!
28 Movie and TV Show Behind-the-Scenes Revelations

When we’re completely in love with a movie or TV show, we want to know everything about it. We’ve heard that it’s kind of like a good date. You start asking about where they grew up, or how many siblings they have, or how much they weigh. You know, date stuff. That said, movies and TV shows aren’t nearly as scary, so we’ll dig a little deeper in this realm.

Silence of the Lambs

Gene Hackman was going to direct silence of the Lambs. The actor snapped up the film rights to the book, with the intention of making his directorial debut. After several questionable decisions, Hackman decided that he just didn't want the rights anymore. CRACKED.COM


Austin Powers in Goldmember

CRACKED COM AUSTIN POWERS IN GOLDMEMBER MICHAEL CAINE THOUGHT THE MOVIE WAS SPOOFING HIM. Before agreeing to play Austin's father, Caine thought Myers was being cheeky and portraying his character from the British spy film The Ipcress File.


Orange Is the New Black

THE CIGARETTE-SMUGGLING ROACHES IN ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK WERE REAL TRAINED COCKROACHES. - Prop master Rachael Weinzimer said she CRACKED.COM couldn't just attach a cigarette to a cockroach and send it on its way, SO insect handlers had to teach the bugs to navigate a prototype maze they designed.


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