24 of the Funniest Times People Got Roasted in Twitter’s Community Notes

It takes a village to roast a tweeter
24 of the Funniest Times People Got Roasted in Twitter’s Community Notes

Twitter introduced “Community Notes” to combat misinformation by allowing users to “collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts.” While the fact-checking feature has been readily adopted and widely used for its intended purpose, it’s also become something of a playground for jabsroasts and brutal takedowns. Obviously, these types of Community Notes are often at odds with the website’s pursuit of an unbiased fact-check when they’re filled with punchy language or insults to the original tweeter, but when you consider some of the hypocrites who try to roam the app unchecked, the one-two punch is often validated. 

Here are some of the funniest roasts at the hands of the Community Notes. Just remember that with great power, comes great responsibility…

@mazzypopstar Cigarettes aren't even that bad for you + @madeflawlesss-1 1d literally smoked their aura away twitter.com/ destroynectar/... Readers added context they thought people might want to know Cigarettes are in fact bad for you. They harm nearly every organ of the body and can lead to a variety of fatal illnesses including lung cancer.
ElectricNJ @electringly 1d thats not how physics works neither of them would get to the end Wow Videos @ViralXfun.2 2d Best example for why ups and downs are important in life ©the villain.skull CJ 0:20 Readers added context they thought people might want to know This is how physics works and they both would get to the end.
vs @MariposaWarrior Do I speak Spanish? Yes. Do I care if other Latines speak Spanish? No. Why? Because it's a colonizers language and I don't give a FUCK! Readers added context they thought people might want to know English is a colonizer language too, like Spanish and Portuguese brownpoliticalreview.org/2017/04/lingui... study.com/learn/lesson/l.... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
Pop Tingz Pop Tingz @ThePopTingz Zombie Virus' are reportedly waking up after 50,000 years due to global warming. Readers added context they thought people might want to know It's important to note that Zombie Virus refers to ancient viruses being revived from thawing permafrost, rather than a sensationalized depiction of zombie viruses as seen in fiction. :bloomberg.com/news/features/...c
Total Battle @total_battle A free game without ads! x20 x2 x 2 x 3 60 XIO Total Battle: War Strategy 5M+ downloads Free Strategy Play Readers added context This game has ads. Rate it Do you find this helpful?
BENG GJERRP'S Ben&Jerry's Follow @benandjerrys This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it. Learn more and take action now: benjerrys.co/46vrYu3 THE UNITED STATES WAS FOUNDED on STOLEN INDIGENOUS LAND. THIS IS STOLEN THIS FOURTH OF JULY, LAND LET'S COMMIT TO RETURNING IT. Readers added context Despite Ben and Jerry's supposed commitment to returning land they feel was stolen, they have yet to reach out to the tribe whose land their HQ is on, and arrange a return of the land to them. newsweek.com/ben-jerrys-hea... Do you find
Figen Subscribe @TheFigen_ Great secrets. Hot coal C 2:04 Readers added context they thought people might want to know It is not possible to turn a piece of coal into a diamond like structure by putting it into peanut butter.
AlphaFoX Subscribe ... @Alphafox78 Do you think oil is naturally produced by the earth? 59 Readers added context they thought people might want to know Yes, oil is naturally produced by the Earth education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/petro... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
Missing Information Sh... Follow @missin4mati0n Margot Robbie is trending. This is a DUDE. You can see that right? #EGI. #MargotRobbie Readers added context Margot Robbie is a cisgender woman.
AK.Marara® @marara_one You guys know that bedbugs are harmless right? They are filthy and irritating but still harmless Readers added context they thought people might want to know Bed bugs are not harmless. Although they are not known to carry diseases, they can still cause allergic reactions and, in some cases, skin infections. cdc.gov/parasites/bedb.... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
lan Miles Cheong REBEL NEWS @stillgray These people want us dead. They make no secret of it. It's time to wake up. Najma Sharif @overdramatique 1d what did y'all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers. Readers added context they thought people might want to know lan Miles Cheong is Malaysian and has never been to the US. Malaysia is not a Western nation and, in fact, as somewhere between 63% and 75% Muslim population, depending on the survey. Не would be closer to the they than the us in this statement.
SpaceStuffandThings @SpaceSan... 1d Year This is NOT what community notes are for. Buts it's very very funny. Sam Hidely @peepeelaugh Tim isnt even bald Imao, nice lie though Readers added context they thought people might want to know Tim Pool is bald. youtu.be/le7qnFSpE_g Do you find this helpful? Rate it Readers added context they thought people might want to know This is exactly what Community Notes (amongst other things) are for: Correcting factual errors. help.twitter.com/en/using-twitt...
Facili @FacilitaturFPS #1 PREDATOR IN THE WORLD. THEY SAID I COULDNT DO IT. GRINDED MY HEART OUT FOR THIS. IM BACK @PlayApex SEASON 2.55k زار 287k PLAY SEASONAL LEGENDS LOADOUT STORE CLUB (5) RESURRECTION 200 Facilitatur CONGRATULATIONS brainsy View Stats YOU'VE REACHED MAX LEVEL Lazurr DAILYCHALLENGES Exclusives Battle Roysie Non-BR Play 2 matches 20 Play 2 matches + Revenant 2/2 Deal 200 damage with shotguns 0/200 Gat kill with Red -Tim weapon on Deal 1.500 damage 1.500/1.500 DAILY-23h15m VIEW PRIZE TRACKER DEATH DYNASTY APEX PREDATOR 76654 LP CROSSPLAY 6h 15m RANKED LEAGUES KINGS CANYON READY Say SID 9043101800965297879 Readers added context they
Virgin media Virgin Media News NEWS @VirginMediaNews #WATCH A mysterious hole on a beach has caused a stir in North Dublin. A local astronomy enthusiast is hoping the crater in Portmarnock, could be the aftermath of a cosmic event. It's a huge, mysterious crater that looks out of this world. Readers added context they thought people might want to know It is infact not a cosmic event instead it was dug out the day before by 2 lads with a beach spade twitter.com/spochadoir/sta... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
Meech @MediumSizeMeech Jun 19 ... I was today years old when I found out Andrew Garfield's grandfather is the man who created the Garfield comic and it was based on Andrew's childhood cat named Lasagna Readers added context they thought people might want to know None of this is true. hritannica com/tonic /Garfield
@KenAlanJ... 1d ... KeNAFO Jones You are a convicted pedophile, what does that say about the people that agree with you? 774 14.2K 30 21 ARMAME the there PERESTROIKA Scott Ritter @RealScottRitter - RITTI Except I'm not. What's that say about you? Readers added context they thought people might want to know Scott Ritter is a twice convicted pedophile. Не spent 2 years in prison. inbcnews.com/id/45049386/ns... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
POS pudding person @JUNIPER Readers added context This tweet is factually wrong. The human brain does not float in semen. brainfacts.org/diseases-and-d... Show this note Readers added context they thought people might want to know This note out of context. If you took a human brain and put it into a bathtub full of semen. It will float. But in it's natural environment, the human brain floats in a sea of cerebrospinal fluid within the skull. The human brain does not contain semen. sciencedirect.com/science/articl.... science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-th... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
David Wolfe @DavidWolfe.21h You'll Never Eat Chicken Nuggets Again Cá ل TikTok @ annatuthat 2:14 Readers added context they thought people might want to know This is manufacturing of rubber bands, not chicken nuggets.
Elon Musk X Subscribe ... @elonmusk Block is going to be deleted as a feature, except for DMs Readers added context they thought people might want to know Elon Musk cannot do this. The feature to block someone on the site is REQUIRED as a social media app to be allowed on the App Store and the Google Play store. developer.apple.com/app-store/revi... support.google.com/googleplay/and... Do you find this helpful? Rate it
TMZ ... TMZ @TMZ The former NBA star made some controversial claims during an interview with Fox News. ATLAN OCEA Eup Rest BRAZIL INDIAN OCEAN SOU ATLANT OCEAN tmz.com Enes Kanter Says He'd Average 60 Points, 30 Rebounds Per Game In WNBA Readers added context they thought people might want to know Enes Kanter Freedom earned zero accolades over his nba career, including no all star selections en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enes_Kant...
PETA @peta 1d ... PeTA The same people who claim that humans are so much smarter and superior to other animals still keep repeating the same tired arguments. Compassion isn't a difficult concept to understand. Readers added context PETA has killed over 47,000 animals since 1998 with a kill rate of almost 95%. petakillsanimals.com
David Brooks @nytdavidbrooks 9/20/23 ... DAVID BROOKS HOW TO PERSON KNOW This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why 10.24.23 Americans think the economy is terrible. YCO CO KETCHUP TOMATO KETCHUP. TOMATO NOT organic HUP CAL organic Readers added context The price of the burger and fries is $17, which means that all or part of the other $61 of the tab is due to the glass of whiskey shown in the photo. nypost.com/2023/09/21/dav... Do you find this helpful? Rate it 20.6K 38.7M 8,528 8,460
Elon Musk X @elonmusk.3d X Replying to @elonmusk Have you ever wondered why the Wikimedia Foundation wants so much money? It certainly isn't needed to operate Wikipedia. You can literally fit a copy of the entire text on your phone! So, what's the money for? Inquiring minds want to know ... Readers added context The Wikimedia Foundation is a charitable non-profit, providing free access to Wikipedia. While a text & English-only copy of Wikipedia is about 51GB, adding all media + supported languages brings it to 428TB. In 2022 Wikimedia had $154M in revenue with $145M in expenses. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia... wikimediafoundation.org/about/annualre... Do
Rep. George Santos @RepSantosNY03.23h They're not after me They're after you I'm just in the way Readers added context They are in fact after Representative Santos, who is accused of stealing money from his own donors, among other offenses. justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/c... Do you find this helpful? Rate it 3,493 3,378 10.7K 3.3M
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