39 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Make You the Only Welcomed and Celebrated Know-It-All in Human History

This list is basically an all-access pass to every party on Earth
39 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Make You the Only Welcomed and Celebrated Know-It-All in Human History

You better bookmark this list right now, because you’re going to need it. Like a ticket to your favorite concert, you can flash this QR code of a list at every door on the planet for immediate access. Honestly, if you show up at your favorite celebrity’s house with these facts, their butler will take one look at them and let you right in. He’ll know that his boss will want to hear them right away. 

Find out their address and try it now!


Want to have a traditional Christmas? Try some naked, drunken gambling. Early church leaders chose Dec. 25 to distract Christians from the pagan festi


TWO pounds of marijuana were found in a 2,700-year-old grave. The Gobi Desert grave has the world's oldest known stash. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED GOM


Smart kids tell better jokes One study found that intelligence and humor was more strongly linked in children. Now we have more incentive for judging kids' knock-knock jokes. CRACKED

Source: Humor


The Xenomorph was almost a weird chicken- lizard-crab hybrid. The titular alien in Alien is a gloriously nightmarish vision. Which is almost a miracle

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana apologized for her prosthetic nose SINGER ACTIVISI SURVIVOR LEGEND CRACKED.COM Saldana wore a fake nose and dark makeup to play Nina Simone in 2016. By 2020, she realized she'd made the wrong move: I should have done everything in my power to cast a Black woman to play an exceptionally perfect Black woman.

Source: CNN

Ghostbusters 2

Ghostbusters 2's fur coat gag was recycled. They were going to use the gag with the dead skins coming back to life in the first movie, but they just didn't get around to filming it. So they put it in the sequel. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Poorest Areas of the U.S.

In one of the U.S.'s poorest areas, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, people make on average less than $8,000 a year. ENTERING PINE RIDGE INDIANPESERYATION About 60% of them can't afford to plug into the power grid. CRACKED.COM


Antarctic Medicine

A doctor in the South Pole biopsied and treated her own breast cancer. GRAGKED.COM In complete darkness, medical equipment had to be airdropped from mili- tary aircraft to Dr. Jerri Nielsen during the over- winter period when the crew is normally isolated from the outside world.


Notre Dame

May 1924, Indiana Notre Dame students drove out the KKK with potatoes. To make in-roads in the area, the KKK displayed a cross made from red lights in


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