15 Viral Tweets and Killer Dunks From Government Agencies and Politicians

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, you old rascal you!
15 Viral Tweets and Killer Dunks From Government Agencies and Politicians

When they’re not campaigning, governing or bureaucracy-ing, government agencies and entities can be pretty darn funny. 

The Pennsylvania Treasury Walked So That Other Boring Government Agencies Could Run

Here’s How New Jersey Mourned the Transition From ‘Twitter’ to ‘X’

The First Presidential Tweet in History

Virginia House of Representatives Hopeful Leslie Cockburn Discovered That Her Opponent Was a Bigfoot Erotica Author — and Somehow Still Lost to Him

The National Park Service’s Bear Safety Tip

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Says There Are Exceptions to ‘If You’re Cold, They’re Cold’

Washington State Department of Natural Resources on Setting Boundaries

The National Park Service’s Timeless Inspirational Quote

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources Said ‘Touch Grass’

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Subtle Reminder That Flushable Wipes Are Not in Fact Flushable

The National Park Service’s Bison Warning

The State of New Jersey Dunked on the State of Delaware

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Is Back to Correct Another Old Adage

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Dramatic Demonstration of How Not to Deep Fry a Turkey

Auburn’s Cry for Help

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