33 Wild Times People Realized They Screwed Up Big Time
Walking into class only to realize there’s a major exam you’re completely unprepared for is a classic nightmare we’ve all faced. But for one Redditor, this stressful scenario was more than just the plot of a bad dream. It was their unfortunate reality after discovering they failed to write a paper worth 30 percent of their grade, one that was never mentioned in class, but was listed on the syllabus.
“I was freaking out all day because I had already done terribly on the midterm,” they recalled of their last-minute scramble to save their grade. “So I took some adderall, spent 8 hours in the library, finished it and handed it in the next morning.”
Thankfully, their professor didn’t dock any points for its late arrival. “Everything went better than expected,” they wrote.
Not all of these Redditors’ stories have such happy endings, though. From group projects gone wrong to encounters with wildlife, here are some of the craziest times people thought “Oh God, now I’m screwed,” and were absolutely right.