40 Random Bits of Trivia We’re Certain Our Roommate Keeps Borrowing When We’re Out of the Apartment

Someone keeps putting these back out of order!
40 Random Bits of Trivia We’re Certain Our Roommate Keeps Borrowing When We’re Out of the Apartment

Someone keeps messing with the order, and its driving us insane. It might seem like weve thrown these together haphazardly, but we've meticulously ordered them for maximum enjoyment. Like a band putting together their set list, we know which banger to start with, and which ones build nicely to that one hit fact as a climax. 

We even have a few in our back pocket for encores. We don't want to be too cocky here, but we're pretty sure you'll be chanting for an encore.

P. Diddy

P. Diddy bragged about his private jet. Then said gas cost so much, he had to ditch it. Turned out though that there was no jet registered under his name ... under any of his many names. Diddy clarified that he meant part of a plane-a wing-and, technically, someone else owned it. CRACKED.COM

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx

Metal Gear Solid V


Tim and Eric Awesome Ads Good Job

Procter & Gamble



Source: ESPN

Safe Selfie

Source: UPI




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