32 Things the U.S. Could Learn From Other Countries, Like Today

Spring cleaning? How ‘bout Spring scrambled eggs fest?!?!
32 Things the U.S. Could Learn From Other Countries, Like Today

You lied to us, Uncle Larry! All those years of cramming ‘Merica down our throats, then we take one trip to Europe, and find out it was all just your own twisted, ethnocentric fantasy.

No one called us lazy for napping in Italy! In fact, they basically shut down the whole country for a few hours every afternoon to let us digest our midday carb ‘n’ wine load! So keep cramming your Applebee’s burger and Bud Light on your lunch “break” before hustling back to work. We’ll be here enjoying our riposo.

By the way, can you pick us up from the airport? Thanks, ciao! 

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