32 Things the U.S. Could Learn From Other Countries, Like Today

Spring cleaning? How ‘bout Spring scrambled eggs fest?!?!
32 Things the U.S. Could Learn From Other Countries, Like Today

You lied to us, Uncle Larry! All those years of cramming ‘Merica down our throats, then we take one trip to Europe, and find out it was all just your own twisted, ethnocentric fantasy.

No one called us lazy for napping in Italy! In fact, they basically shut down the whole country for a few hours every afternoon to let us digest our midday carb ‘n’ wine load! So keep cramming your Applebee’s burger and Bud Light on your lunch “break” before hustling back to work. We’ll be here enjoying our riposo.

By the way, can you pick us up from the airport? Thanks, ciao! 


America incarcerates more of its citizens than Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland combined. x 2. The U.S. incarceration rate is 698 per 100,000 people. In Finland, it's 55 per 100,000. Sweden: 57 per 100,000. Denmark: 67 per 100,000. Norway: 75 per 100,000. Switzerland: 84 per 100,000. http://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-fo-lowest/ CRACKED.COM prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=Al

The Metric System

CRACKED COM There are currently three countries that do not use the metric system-Burma, Liberia, and the United States. 2 4 81 LI 10FEET 3m 4 3 Many U.S. industries have been slow to adopt the metric system, but it is becoming standard in certain areas of science, medicine, and government.

Cocaine Use

Individually, Americans use more cocaine than any other country. The percentage of users in America is only a tenth of a percent higher than Brazil, but Americans use 36% of the world's cocaine, compared to Brazil's 18%. CRACKED.COM

Portion Sizes

CRACKED.COM American portion sizes are abnormally huge. Food servings are 40% to 80% larger in American cities than in European ones. op When adopting 95 an a typical American diet or moving to America, people from other cultures gain significant amounts of weight.

German Superstitions

GRACKED BLACK CATS DON'T HAVE TO BE BAD LUCK! Germany has a different take on luck with black cats. It's only bad luck if they cross your path right to left. Left to right is good luck, so there's a silver lining not given in the U.S.


Sales Tax

When shopping in America, consumers end up paying more money than what's on the price tags because the tax is added at the checkout point. In the EU, tax and other additional costs must be added to the total value before any payment is made. Otherwise, consumers have a right to request a complete refund of the excess charges. CRACKED.COM

The MM-DD-YY Date Format

dd-mm-yyyy dd-mm-yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd dd-mm-yyyy. mm-dd-yyyy. and yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy and dd-mm-yyyy America is the only country in the world that relies solely on the MM-DD-YY date format, and only a few others consider it to be an option. CRACKED.COM
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