34 Times People Avoided Warnings and Did Something Dumb Anyway

‘Do not stick your hand in liquid molten plastic’

Anytime you see a warning label, you probably can’t help but wonder, “Is this here because some bozo tried to do this?” The following Redditors can attest that in many cases, even those warning labels don’t work, resulting in bozos trying to do whatever the hell they were expressly warned against. 

One Redditor’s bozo was a new hire at the aquatics store. The kid was getting the rundown on managing the coral vats and was told to be very cautious around the halogen lights. Basically, he was very plainly told, “Don’t touch the light, it’s very hot.” The warning was barely out of the Redditor’s mouth before the new hire touched the light, seared his skin and produced a sizzling sound that’s lived with the Redditor for almost 20 years. 

Other Redditors have shared the other easily avoidable mistakes people were advised against, including a guy who burned himself with compressed air, a guy who burned himself with molten plastic and a guy who — you guessed it — burned himself on an oven.


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