33 of the Worst Things People Found in Their Food

Though surprises can be fun, you really don’t want to encounter anything unexpected in your plate of food. Depending on what you find, you may be in for a lifetime of trust issues and mental torment — just ask the Redditor whose grandfather found a thumb in his can of peas. Granddad never ate peas again, and likely had an aversion to certain hand gestures for a while afterward, too.
But a lone thumb isn’t the most traumatizing thing you can come across in your food. One Redditor found a tooth in their hamburger, which brings to mind a lot of questions with potentially undesirable answers. The Redditor, understandably, was “too scared to ask why” their burger patty came with a side of chomper, and left the establishment immediately.
Other Redditors have shared more of the horrifying “secret ingredients” they’ve almost ingested, and every one of these stories will make you grateful for your next boring meal — after all, your salad could’ve had an eye patch in it.