22 Pranks That Backfired Horribly

Do NOT substitute Jell-O for Kool Aid

The perfect prank takes lots of dedication and attention to detail. One incorrect estimation can result in your entire plan backfiring. Take, for instance, the guy who decided to scare the hell out of his parents by doing the ol’ “red Kool Aid coming out of the showerhead” gag. His first thought was likely, “Sweet, I’m going to scare my parents,” which, frankly, is a bonus in practically any situation. However, the little prankster didn’t have Kool Aid and opted for Jell-O. Major error. The Jell-O congealed in the pipes and ended up costing his parents $625 to fix. Ouch! (Although, if you really think about it, isn’t a financial blow the most devastating prank of all?)

These are the kinds of blunders that Redditors have owned up to, and if you’re a budding jokester, please learn from their mistakes.

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