35 Very Dumb Moments From Companies and Countries That Couldn’t Find Their Rear Ends With Both Hands

Didn’t think marketing was life or death? Think again
35 Very Dumb Moments From Companies and Countries That Couldn’t Find Their Rear Ends With Both Hands

We get it. Coming up with a name for yet another Mountain Dew flavor is hard. You might want to outsource that brainpower to the public, but don’t be surprised when their choice involves Hitler. Now it’s on you to either use it (which we’re guessing you won’t), or scrap the whole campaign and admit that you just straight up lost to the internet. 

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Terrible Marketing

It's clever to use suicide in beauty branding ... right? for happier hair, dark or fair anatomicals peachy head peach shampoo for suicidal hair de elita и n alt Jom n por only abile adida Mentiful and colour, for this see . want el state heaven dye clitte late, conditioning me, page by wonderfully 1 knew but job. hair you tossing completely and of bring to i just here I never complete the follow would for de wacky your was rocks put your & Itself on peach de actually knew world feeling earth. that locks bald. Twitter body below. depression off de down


Government Spending

When healthcare.gov launched and immediately crashed, the government paid $4 million to fix it. Affordable Care Act That money went to the same contractor who screwed it up. Despite the fact that the flaws were generated by the contractor, the CMS withheld only $267,420 of the $4 million. http://www bloomberg com/news/articles/2015-09-22/-s-paid- GRACKED.COM healthcare-gov-contractor-4-million-to-fix-its-own-mess


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