28 Sitcoms That Had Good Endings, Bad Endings or Strange Spin-Offs
Sitcoms! Comedic television programs that put characters in misunderstandings and conflicts, ideally resulting in jokes, and resolving them within a breezy 22 minutes. When the formula works with a strong cast of characters and clever writing, you can find yourself with a hit on your hands that people are happy to watch for a decade or longer.
So when is the right time to find an ending? On this list are many shows that managed to thread the needle and find the exact right time to say goodbye. Others, on the hand, stayed in the game a little longer — or sometimes much, much, MUCH longer — than anyone would like them to, spoiling any goodwill the “good seasons” may have garnered.
Taking it a step further, also on this list are the times a television show has said, “I bet people would like to see more of these characters,” and the public very firmly said “no.”