32 Bits of Movie Trivia Helpful for Defeating the Movie Trivia Goblin
It happened to me one night a couple of years ago while I was walking home. I took a short cut over a spooky bridge, and didn’t listen to the various warnings I had received about the creature that lived beneath it. Sure enough, this little freak, the Movie Trivia Goblin, popped up as I was trying to cross and challenged me to a Movie Trivia Competition — to the death. Now, normally this may have sent me into a cold sweat, but thankfully, I had the following list ready to go. And so, I survived the encounter, much to the Movie Trivia Goblin's frustration.
All of which is to say, make sure to check out the below list and absorb as much movie trivia as you can — you never know when you’re going to need to fend off a Movie Trivia Goblin under a bridge!